Sugar beet cultivation area .

Rukhovich D.I., Koroleva I.E., Vilchevskaya E.V.Compilation date:
1:20,000 000Precision:
The maps of the districts of the Russian Federation and the maps of the regions of the former republics of the Soviet Union have been compiled at the scale of 1:20,000 000.Projection:
Albers equal-area projection for the USSR, 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Main content:
A vector map: polygons show cultivation areasContent's precision:
The maps contain generalized information about a cultured plant's distribution drawn from published sources taking into consideration the map of cultivated lands of the USSR.Map compilation procedure:
The cultivation areas' map has been compiled by combination of the maps of the districts of the Russian Federation, the maps of the regions of the former republics of the Soviet Union, the map of natural and agricultural zoning, and the map of cultivated lands. A plants' cultivation data-base comprising 20 fields has been compiled for district and regional maps. A cultured plants' distribution layer according to the administrative division had been determined for each field whereupon non-arable lands were excluded from each layer. The map of the arable lands of the former USSR has been obtained by reduction of the 1:4,000 000 map of cultivated lands to the scale of 1:20,000 000 taking into account the areas where 10 % or more of land are tilled. Cultured plants' distribution only takes into account those areas where these plants occupy 3 to 5 % or more of the tilled land's area.Data sources:
Agricultural Atlas of the USSR (Central directorate of land surveying and cartography of the Ministry of geology and protection of the Earth's interior of the USSR) Moscow: 1960, 40 printer's sheets.Atlas of the USSR (2nd edition) (Central directorate of land surveying and cartography of the Council of Ministers of the USSR) Moscow: 1969, 26 printer's sheets.
Land resources of the USSR. 4.1. (Natural and agricultural zoning of the regions, territories, autonomous republics and republics of the USSR) Moscow: 1990. (State Research Institute of Land Resources)
National Economy of the USSR in 1990 (State committee for standardization of the USSR) Statistical Yearbook. Moscow: "Finances and Statistics", 1991, 752 p.
Agriculture of the USSR: Annual of Statistics/ State committee for standardization of the USSR Moscow: "Finances and Statistics", 1988. 535 p.
Fundamentals of Agriculture. Ed. M.N. Gurenev. Moscow: "Kolos", 1981, 495 p.
Natural and Agricultural Zoning and Utilization of Lands Available in the USSR. Ed. A.N. Kashtanov, Moscow: "Kolos", 1983, p. 336.
Yearbook of the Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia 1989, # 33, Moscow: "Sovyetskaya Entsyklopediya", 1989, 591 p.
Russian Yearbook of Statistics: Statistic Collection. Russian state committee for standardization. Moscow: 2001, Vol. 1. 679 p.
Russian Yearbook of Statistics: Statistic Collection. Russian state committee for standardization. Moscow: 2001, Vol. 2. 679 p.
Environmental and Economic Conditions of Agricultural Production in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. In 3 parts. (State Agricultural and Industrial Committee of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, All-Union V.I. Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, V.V. Dokuchayev Research Institute of Soil. Moscow: 1986.
Utilization of the Soils in the South of the Taiga Zone: Specific Features. Recommendations for Procedures and Reference Materials of All-Union V.I. Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, V.V. Dokuchayev Research Institute of Soil. Moscow: 1988, 51p.
Utilization of the Soils of the Steppe and Dry Steppe Zones: Specific Features. Recommendations for Procedures and Reference Materials of All-Union V.I. Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, V.V. Dokuchayev Research Institute of Soil. Moscow: 1988, 1989, 68 p.
Rights and copyrights:
All rights for the map are reserved for Rukhovich D.I., Koroleva I.E., Vilchevskaya E.V.Description: Gashkova I.V.
© Photographs Gashkova I.V.