The area of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.)

N.V. TerekhinaDate of creation:
1:20.000.000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using a map of gardens of the USSR with the scale 1: 20 000 000The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Map is a vector file consisting of polygons and points. Points represent recorded locations of the species; polygons represent area of possible distribution of the species.Accuracy of classifier:
Polygons are based on literature sources, political boundaries and ecological description. Point data were obtained from literature sources and herbarium specimens.Method of map production:
Historic agricultural statistics were reviewed for each agricultural region. The Former Soviet Union had 16 regions. The boundaries from the 1:4000000 map of arable lands were used to further refine crop distribution (Koroljeva et al., 2003). The following sources were used to determined the map area for this species: State list (1994, 2004), Vehov (1978), Hope (1990), and Koroljeva (2003). The main plantations are distributed throughout the Ukraine, on the Volga, Altaj, Nechernozem, Central and Central-Chernozem regions (Vinogradov, 1977). In the northern zone, early-ripening types of hop require 1700 growing degree days. (Aleksandrov, 1991). Isolated points were determined according to Tolmachaev (1976).Reference citations:
Alexander N.A. 1991. Hop. Moscow: Rosagropromizdat. 128 p.Baranova E.V., Kopaneva G.A., Prisyazhnyuk N.P. 1990. Area map of Hop twisted. Areas of medicinal plants and their relatives in the USSR. 2nd edition. Leningrad: Publisher Leningrad State University. 130 p.
Ezhova I.S., ed. 1990. Hop and its use. Kiev: Urozhaj. 336 p.
Koroljeva IE, Vilchevskaya EV, Ruhovich DI. 2003. Digital Arable Land Map. Laboratory of Soil Information of the Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Moscow, Russia [Based on: Yanvareva LF. (ed.), Martynjuk KN., Kisileva NM. 1989. Map of Land Use, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.].
Libatskij E.P. 1993. Hop growing. Moscow: Kolos. 288 p.
Malysheva, L.I. & G.A. Peshkova, ed. 1979. Flora of the Central Siberia. V. I. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 1046 p.
Mishurova V.P., Volkova G.A., Portnjagina N.V. 1999. Introduction of useful plants in a sub-zone of an middle taiga. Republic of Komi. V. 1. St. Petersburg: Nauka. 229 p.
State List of Selection Achievements, Admitted to Use. Moscow, 1994. 218 p.
State List of Selection Achievements, Admitted to Use. Moscow, 2004. 234 p.
Tolmachaev, A.I., ed. 1976. Flora of northeast of the European part of the USSR. V. 2. Leningrad: Nauka. 316 p.
Vehov V.N., Gubanov I.A., Lebedeva G.F. 1978. Cultural plants of the USSR. Moscow: Mysl'. 1978. 336 p.
Vinogradov V.N. 1977. Hop growing. Gor'kiy: Gor.kiy Agricultural Institute. 80 p.
Right and copyright:
Copyright on these maps, picture and description belong to its author.© Terekhina N.V.