The area of European bird cherry (Padus racemosa (Lam.)Gilib.)

N.V. TerekhinaThe GIS-expert: N.V. Terekhina
Date of creation:
1:20.000.000.Accuracy of a map:
Map was created using map of gardens of the USSR with the scale 1: 20 000 000The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector maps: Areas of continuous cultivation are represented by polygons. Territories, which situated far from general area, are represented by points.Accuracy of the qualifier:
Maps were created on the base of generalized information about species distribution from published sourses (accuracy till regions).The technique of drawing up of a map:
The area map was made on the base of literature data (Atlas, 1983; State, 2004). Area for the USSR covers almost all territory of the country, where trees can grow, excepted Middle Asia States, Kazakhstan and Transcaucasia (Vitkovskij, 2003). Main plantings are in central and northern regions of the country, but they can be found in Siberia and Far East also (Bahteev, 1970;, 1970).Sources of the data:
Atlas of areas and resources of officinal plants of the USSR. Ed. by P.S. Chikov, Moscow: GUGK, 1983, p. 325Bahteev F.H. The major fruit plants. I., "Prosvezhenie", 1970, 351 p.
State List of Selection Achievements, Admitted to Use. Moscow, 2004 V.K., Tarankova T.I. The first results of deciduous trees and shrubs in Botanical garden // Trees, shrubs, perennials for planting of greenery in south Far East. Ed. by D.P. Vorobiev, L.N. Slizik. Vladivostok, 1970, p. 5-26
Vitkovsky V.L. Fruit Plants of the World. St.-Petersburg-Moscow-Krasnodar. Lan'. 2003. 592 p.
Right and copyright:
Copyright on the map and description belong to author.© Terekhina N.V.