The cultivated area of kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) .

The experts - N.I. Dzyubenko, E.A. Dzyubenko.The GIS-Expert - A.N. Dzyubenko.
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Exactness of map:
Map was created using maps to the scale of 1:25,000,000-1:40,000,000.The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Map is a vector file consisting of polygons.Exactness of classifier:
Polygons are based on published sources, political boundaries and ecological descriptions.Method of map construction:
The cultivated area of Poa pratensis was mapped using agroclimatic, natural and economical principles of the former USSR countries. The vast resources published by the state press was analyzed. The final map was constructed by generalizing regional maps, the arable land map (dark blue polygon), and a map of lands approved for cultivation, excluding non-arable lands (light blue polygon). Only those lands where Poa pratensis is used in crop rotation were taken into account.Sources of data:
Catalog of state-permitted cultivars of agricultural crops. 1969. - M.: Kolos, 489 pp. (in Russian).Catalog of state-permitted cultivars of agricultural crops. 1971. - M.: Kolos, 488 pp. (in Russian).
Catalog of state-permitted cultivars of agricultural crops. 1974. - M.: Kolos, 480 pp. (in Russian).
Catalog of state-permitted cultivars of agricultural crops. 1985. - M.: Kolos, Vol 3. - 489 pp. (in Russian).
Catalog of agricultural crop cultivars permitted in Byelorussia. 1985. - Minsk: Uradjai, 176 pp. (in Russian).
State register of breeding achievements permitted for utilization. Plant cultivars. 2003. - M.: - 236 pp. (in Russian).
The register of plant cultivars in Ukraine. 1996. - Kiev: Urojai, 259 pp. (in Russian).
The database of regions where the cultivars of the species are approved for cultivation, created using published data.
Rights and copyrights:
Copyright on the map and its descriptions belongs to its authors.Copyright on the photos belongs to N.I. Dzyubenko.