The area of European black currant (Ribes nigrum L.)

A.Ju. Doronina, N.V. Terekhina.The GIS-expert: N.V. Terekhina, N.M. Kalibernova.
Date of creation:
1:20.000.000.Accuracy of a map:
Map was created using map of gardens of the USSR with the scale 1: 20 000 000.The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
The vector map of area consists of 2 layers: polygons show territories of continuous distribution of species; territories, which situated far from general area, are represented by points.Accuracy of the qualifier:
Maps were created on the base of generalized information about species distribution from published sourses, taking into account arable territory for USSR.The technique of drawing up of a map:
The area map was created on the base of garden map for USSR (Atlas, 1960) and literature data (State, 1994, 2004). Polygon area covers significant part of the former USSR, because territory with suitable conditions is enclosed between 45° and 60° northern latitude (Bahteev, 1970; Semenova, 2003). Species is the most distributed in central regions of European Russia, in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Baltic States, Volga region (Trees ., 1954; Vehov, 1978; Vitkovskij, 2003). It is cultivated also in Republic Komi (Moiseev, 1957), Siberia (Severin, 1988), Yakutia (Gaidukova, 1979), Kazahstan (Goloskokov, 1961), Tadzhikistan (Ivanov, 1990), on the sizeable areas in Kirgizia and Uzbekistan (Trees ., 1954; Flora, 1965), that is marked by points.Sources of the data:
Agricultural Atlas of USSR. Ed. by Tulupnikov A.I. Moscow, 1960Bahteev F.H. The major fruit plants. Moscow: Prosvezhenie, 1970, 351 p.
Flora Kazakhstan / N. V. Pavlov (ed.). Vol. 4. Alma-Ata: izdatelstvo Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, 1961. 548 p.
Flora URSR / M. V. Klokov, O. D. Visulina (eds.). Vol. 5. Kiev: Vidavniztvo akademii nauk URSR, 1953. 528 p.
Flora Uzbekistan / E. P. Korovin (ed.). Vol. 3. Tashkent: izdatelstvo Akademii nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1955. 825 p.
Gaidukova L. V.., Chertkova М. A. Black currant. Jakutsk: Jakutskoe kniznoe izdatelstvo, 1979. 64 p.
Geideman T. S. Manual of the highest plants of Moldavskaja SSR. Tashkent: Shtiinza, 1975. 576 p.
Goloskokov V. P. A currants of Kazakhstan // News of academia of the scientist Kazakh SSR. Vol. 11. 1956. 18 p.
Ivanov A. M. Culture of the currant in the mountain conditions of Tadjikistan. Dushanbe, 1990. 24 p.
Moiseev K. A. The peculiarities of growth and bear fruit of black currant by grow on the north // Works of Komi filial AN SSSR. 1957. N 5. P. 127-133.
Semenova L. G., Bzhezeva N. R. The especiallies of the productive currant black and red in Adigea conditions / G. V. Eremin (ed.). Maikop: Ipris, 2003. 143 p.
Severin V. F. Black currant in Siberia (technology of the cultivation, procurement and re-making). M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1988. 93 p.
State List of Selection Achievements, Admitted to Use. Moscow, 1994
State List of Selection Achievements, Admitted to Use. Moscow, 2004
The Computer map of the arable land produced by specialists from Laboratory of the Soil informatic of the Dokuchaev Soil institute ( Moscow) - Koroljeva I.E., Vilchevskaya E.V., Ruhovich D.I. on base of the Map of the Landuse published in 1989 by the Problem Laboratory of the Complex Cartography (the Faculty of Geography, MSU). Moscow, 2003
Trees and shrubs of USSR / S. J. Sokolov (ed.). Vol. 3. М., L.: Nauka, 1954. P. 784-800.
Vitkovsky V. L. Fruit plants of the world. SPb.; M.; Krasnodar: Lan, 2003. 592 p.
Right and copyright:
Copyright on these map and description belong to authors.© N.V. Terekhina, N.M. Kalibernova, A.Ju. Doronina
Photo copyright Henriette Kress,