The area of Dog Rose (Rosa canina L.)

A.Ju. Doronina, N.V. TerekhinaThe GIS-experts: N.V. Terekhina, N.M. Kalibernova
Date of creation:
1:20.000.000.Accuracy of a map:
minimal territorial unit is regional (oblast) arable territories, which were selected by arable map, generalized to scale 20 000 000.The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector maps: Areas of continuous cultivation are represented by polygons. Territories, which situated far from general area, are represented by points.Accuracy of the qualifier:
Maps were created on the base of generalized information about species distribution from published sourses (accuracy till regions).The technique of drawing up of a map:
Area map was made on the base of literature data (Atlas, 1983). On the territory of the former USSR area covers central and southern regions of European part of the country, Crimea, Caucasus (Tsitsin, 1959; Griner, 1960; Akimov, Bulygin, 1961; Nomerov, 1965; Borodina et al, 1966; Sviazeva, 1983) that was shown on the map by polygons. The species is cultivated also in Middle Asia Republics, In Middle Ural, in Western Siberia (Nemudrov, 1962; Shishkin, 1977; Ishchenko, 1986; Tkachenko, 1986; Vasil.eva, 1988). Places of cultivation were represented on the map by point area.Sources of the data:
Akimov P.A. & Bulygin N.E. Trees and shrubs of the arboretum and park of Leningrad Forest-Technical Academy. Leningrad: LTA, 1961. 109 p.Atlas of areas and resources of medicine plants of the USSR. Ed. Chikov P.S. Moscow: GUGK, 1983. 340 p.
Borodina et al. Trees and shrubs of the USSR. Moscow: Mysl., 1966. 638 p.
Griner B.M. Trees and shrubs usefulness for cultivate in open soil Europe part of USSR. Issue 1. Moscow: MOLMI, 1960. 129 p.
Ishchenko L.E. Species of the genera Rosa L. of the Turkmenistan flora introduced in Central Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences Turkmenia SSR // Ornamental plants for landscape gardening of Turkmenistan. Issue 9. Ed. I.S. Gaevskaja. Ashhabad: Ilim, 1986. P. 90.
Nemudrov A.I. Culture of the roses in Turkmenistan // Ornamental plants for landscape gardening of Turkmenistan. Issue 9. Ed. I.S. Gaevskaja. Ashhabad: Ilim, 1986. P. 90.
Nomerov B.A. Culture of roses. M.: Moskovskii universitet, 1965. 221 c.
Shishkin O.K. Test of the roses in the conditions of the Middle Ural // Bulletin Main Botanical Garden. Issue 106. M.: Nauka, 1977. P. 38-42.
Sviazeva O.A. Dog Rose - Rosa canina L. // Atlas of areas and resources of medicine plants of the USSR. Moscow: GUGK, 1983. p. 330.
Tkachenko V.I. Middle-Asia Dog-Roses introduced in Botanical garden of Academy of Sciences of Kirgizskaja SSR. Frunze: Ilim, 1986. 94 p.
Tsitsin N.V. (ed.) Trees and shrubs. Short results of introduction. Moscow: Publisher of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1959. 192 p.
Vasil.eva O. Ju. Test of Rosa canina as a stock in Western Siberia // Bulletin of the Main Botanical garden. Issue 198. M.: Nauka, 1988. P. 48-51.
Vorob.eva M.G. Boulevard of town Frunze // Introduction of trees, shrubs and fruit plants in Kirghizija. Bishkek: Ilim, 1991. P. 33-41.
Zinovskis R.E. (ed.) Botanical garden of academy of science Latvia SSR 1956-1981. Riga: Zinatne, 1983. 325 p.
Zinovskis R.E., Bize M.A., Knape D.A. & Kucheneva G.G. (eds.). Conspectus of dendroflora of Kaliningrad region. Riga: Zinatne, 1983. 162 p.
Right and copyright:
Copyright on these map and description belong to authors.© N.V. Terekhina, N.M. Kalibernova, A.Ju. Doronina
Photo Terekhina N.V.