
Distribution and severity of Fusarium Disease of Alfalfa (Fusarium spp.)

Object description Download GIS-layers


Biologist -E.L. Gasich
GIS-specialist -M.I. Saulich.

Date of creation:




Accuracy of map:

Created based on materials of maps of natural scale 1:33,000,000


"Alber.s Equal Area Conic" 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0

Basic contents:

Vector map consists of polygons demonstrating area of disease distribution on Alfalfa and also a zone of moderate disease severity.

Accuracy of the classifier:

The region represents disease distribution where the Fusarium Disease of Alfalfa has been revealed according to scientific publications. The area of disease distribution is similar to the zone of moderate disease severity (10-25%).

Method of map production:

The area of Fusarium Disease of Alfalfa was marked on a blank map. In the Former Soviet Union the disease was registered in Voronezh Region (Ryzhkova, 1951, quot. on: Karimov, 1961), Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory (Alpat.ev & Shestiperova, 1981; Kazantseva et al., 1997), Krasnodar Territory (Alpat.ev & Shestiperova, 1981; Petrovskaya, 1981), Baltic States (Shal.tyanis, 1970, quot. on: Petrovskaya, 1981), Ukraine (Poltava Region (Karimov, 1961), Kharkiv Region (Zagovora, 1978)) and Uzbekistan (Toshkent) (Zaprometov, 1921, quot. on: Karimov, 1961). The disease area of distribution is similar to the zone of moderate disease severity (10-25%) (Karimov, 1961; Zagovora, 1978; Alpat.ev & Shestiperova, 1981; Petrovskaya, 1981; Kazantseva et al., 1997). Registration and vectorization of raster map were carried out using standard GIS-technologies.

Reference citations:

Alpat.ev, N.N. & Shestiperova, Z.I. 1981. Fusarium fungi . phytopathogens of Alfalfa. Mikologiya i Phytopatologiya 15(1): 33-34. (in Russian).
Karimov, M.A. 1961. Fungal parasites of Alfalfa. Tashkent: Ministry of agriculture of Uzbekistan, 208 p. (in Russian).
Kazantseva, T.P., Sorokin, N.S., Vasil'eva, I.A., Dolgova, T.M., Martynov, A. Ya., Gavrilova, E.A., Bakalova, G.A., Logvinenko, T.S., Bespalova, A.P., Chichikhina, T.V., Dolaberidze, S.D., Artokhin, K.S. & Makhota, V.M. 1997. Prognosis of incidence and distribution of pests, diseases of crops, weeds and quarantine objects on the territory of Rostov Region in 1997 and measures of control. Rostov-na-Donu: Yug. 128 p. (in Russian).
Petrovskaya, N.N. 1981. Fusarium diseases of Alfalfa in paramount zone of Krasnodar Territory. Bull. VIR 11: 64-69. (in Russian).
Zagovora, A.V. 1978. Forecast of pests and diseases distribution in crops in Khar.kov Region and their control. Khar.kov: Khar.kov Region station for plant protection, p. 35. (in Russian).

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright 2005 © E.L.Gasich & M.I. Saulich (vector map, description and picture).

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