
Area and severity zones of Downy Mildew of Sunflower [Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et de Toni]

Object description Download GIS-layers


Object specialist V.I.Yakutkin, GIS-specialist M.I.Saulich.

Date of creation:



1:20 000 000.

Accuracy of map:

Created using information taken from open-published literature and maps of scale 1:40 000 000.


"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.

Basic contents:

Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygon. Zones of severity are shown by polygons.

Accuracy of the classifier:

Within the area that sunflowers are cultivated, three zones of P. halstedii severity have been determined. The low severity zone is characterized by yield losses that do not exceed 10%. The moderate severity zone is characterized by yield losses that reach 30%. In the high severity zone, yield losses exceed 31%.

Method of map production:

Published literature was reviewed, including Atlases, monographs and papers. Occurrence data were obtained from herbarium specimens, floras, monographs and papers. Data were then compiled through scanning and geo-referencing to develop a composite vector map. The biologist, together with the GIS specialist, drew a composite disease distribution area based on compiled data. The following published materials were used to draw map: Novotelnova (1966) Tikhonov (1975); and Yakutkin et al. (1995). The area of Sunflower Downy Mildew and zones of severity are based on Tikhonov (1975); and Yakutkin et al. (1999). Updating of boundaries of disease severity zones was carried out according to recently published data by Yukutkin (2001).

Reference citations:

Novotelnova N.S. 1966. Downy mildew of sunflower. Taxonomy and biology of the causal agent, pathogenesis of disease. Nauka: Moskow. 150 pp. (In Russian)
Tikhonov O.I. 1975. Diseases of sunflower. In: Pustovoit V.S., editor. Sunflower. Moskow: Kolos. 401-409 pp. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I. 2001. Diseases of sunflower in Russia and their control. Zashchita i karantin rastenii N.10: 26-29. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I., Aleksandrova L.I., Akhtulova E.M. 1995. Peronosporosis of sunflower in Central Black Soil Zone of Russia and a problem of breeding for resistance to disease. In: All Russian Congress of Plant Protection. St. Petersburg. 275-276 pp. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I., Tavolzhanskii N.P. 1999. Disease control on sunflower in Russia. In: Research progress in plant protection and plant nutrition. Agro annual meeting China 99. China Agriculture Press. Beijing. 214-218 pp.

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 V.I.Yakutkin & M.I.Saulich (VIZR; vector map, description); V.I. Yakutkin (VIZR, picture).

© Yakutkin V.I.

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