Area of distribution and damage of Adoxophyes orana F.R.

Scientists - E.I. Ovsyannikova & I.Ya. GrichanovGIS-specialist - M.I. Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on information taken from the open-published literature and maps of scale 1:17,000,000; 1:33,000,000Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR" 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 2 layers. Area and zone of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Only a zone of low damage was allocated within the limits of the general area in the territory of the former USSR. Here the pest has economic significance with the following economic thresholds: 1% damaged rosettes or 4-10 caterpillars per 100 rosettes during the red bud stage; 2 caterpillars per 100 ovaries or 3% damaged ovaries after flowering (Dolzhenko, 2004). A. orana is sometimes able to exceed this threshold considerably in some orchards (Tyumeneva, 1937, Galetenko, 1960; Kostyuk, 1980), but the pest is mainly counted together with all orchard pests; treatments against bud pests and Codling Moth also reduce the A. orana population density.Method of map production:
A. orana area in the former USSR was outlined according to reference and original data on the species distribution (Tyumeneva, 1937; Fal.kovich, 1962; Kostyuk, 1974, 1980; Savkovskii, 1976; Vasil.ev & Livshits, 1984; Polyakov; 1984; Kutenkova, 1986; Khrustaleva & Gokhman, 1986; Kuznetsov, 1994, 2001; Dubatolov, 2000). Kostyuk (1980), Kuznetsov (1994) and others have noted that the species is spread everywhere in zones of broad-leafed and mixed forests and steppes. Therefore the northern border of its area is extrapolated along border of mixed forests and taiga (Chikov, 1983) and corrected in Karelia according to original data (Kutenkova, 1986; Kullberg et al., 2001). Scanty records of the Summer Fruit Tortrix beyond the boundaries of the damage zone testify to a local distribution of this Transpalearctic species. Previous records of the species from Middle Asia and Central Kazakhstan are not confirmed by recent references (Kuznetsov, 1994, 2001). High mountains of the Caucasus and desert lands of the Caspian Depression were excluded from the area. Northern Kazakhstan is included in the area according to Kostyuk (1980) and Kuznetsov (1994). In Siberia the species has been found locally in Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk Regions (Fal.kovich, 1970), Altai (Tibatina, 1970, 1973), Tuva (Kostyuk, 1980), Buryatia, Irkutsk and Chita Regions (Budashkin & Kostyuk, 1994; Kuznetsov, 2001). In the Far East this species is known from Amur and Sakhalin Regions, Khabarovsk and Primorskii Territories and South Kurils (Kunashir I.) (Kostyuk, 1980; Ermolaev, 1988; Kuznetsov, 1994, 2001). The zone of low damage includes forest-steppe zone of Moldova, Ukraine, Russian Central Chernozem Region in addition to Transcarpathia, Crimea, Ciscaucasia (Tyumeneva, 1937; Galetenko, 1960; Vasil.ev & Livshits, 1984; Kuznetsov, 1994; et al.), and south of the Far East (Kuznetsov, 1973; Ermolaev, 1988). It was corrected along areas of industrial cultivation of fruit crops (Tochenov, 1984) and apple cultures (vector map by N.V. Terekhina, 2005). Registration and vectorization of raster map were executed by means of GIS-technologies.Reference citations:
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