Area of distribution and damage of Click Beetle (wireworm), Agriotes gurgistanus Faldermann.

Biological specialist, A.N. FrolovGIS-specialist, M.I. Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using information taken from published literature and maps of scale 1:20,000,000-50,000,000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consists of 3 layers. Areas and zones of high and low damage are marked by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Within the limits of the natural habitat, areas of high harm occur where 1) the number of Click Beetles regularly exceeds an economic threshold (5-10 larvae per sq.m.), and 2) A. gurgistanus is a background species on agricultural lands, i.e. density of its larvae exceeds the density of larvae of any other Agriotes species sympatric to A. gurgistanus. Within the limits of the area, zones of low harm occur where density of A. gurgistanus may also exceed an economic threshold (5-10 larvae per sq.m.); however, A. gurgistanus is not a background species on agricultural lands, i.e., density of its larvae does not exceed density of larvae of any other Agriotes species sympatric to A. gurgistanus.Mapping procedure:
The map of range and harm of A. gurgistanus was compiled following an analysis of numerous literature and data (Vasilieva, 1971; Gorbatyuk, 1969; Gryukova, 1969; Gur'eva, 1979; Dolin, 1954, 1964, 1988; Ishmaev, Shepelevich, 1969; Kobakhidze, 1966; Kryzhanovskii, 1974; Luybomudrov, 1929; Mardzhanyan, 1985; Minoranskii, 1978; Mukharam, 1983; Nefedov, 1962a, b; Ostafichuk, 1972, 1988; Podkopai, 1954; Roshinenko, 1969; Sakharov, 1947; Serous, 1984; Susidko, Fed'ko, 1976; Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965; Utrobina, 1958; Filippov, Zhdankin, 1972; Firsov, Ivashenko, 1969; Shchegolev et al., 1934) and cartographical materials by N.G. Sindyashkina (1954) and M.M. Aleinikova (1962). The map made by D. Hill (1978) reflects cumulative range of at least 7-8 harmful species of the genus Agriotes that are much more widespread than A. gurgistanus. A. gurgistanus inhabits the south of the European continent, including Crimea, eastward to the Ural River, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Gur'eva, 1979). To the north of steppe, A. gurgistanus is practically not found, occasionally occurring in forest-steppe area only. The northern border of A. gurgistanus.s range coincides mainly with the frontier of the Black Earth zone in the European part of the former USSR (Podkopai, 1954). It is worth noting that 2 specimens of A. gurgistanus were found near Ukhta by K.F.Sedykh, i.e., far north from the main range. In addition, this species is unknown in well-studied Kirov Region. Lastly, A. gurgistanus was found nowhere in Komi before or after K.F.Sedykh's finding (Medvedev, ). Nevertheless, following E.L. Gur'eva (1979), we have marked the zone of A. gurgistanus.s sporadic distribution on steppe-like southern slopes near Ukhta. In the north, the main area of A. gurgistanus includes the entire territory of Moldavia (Ostafichuk, 1972, 1988); the border of its distribution then passes through Belgorod Region along the approximate line of Krasnaya Yaruga - Belenikhino - Obukhovka (Kabanov, 1969) and along the frontier of forest-steppe in the Lower Volga Region (Aleinikova, 1962). A. gurgistanus is widely distributed in the steppe zone of the Ukraine (Dolin, 1988; Mukharam, 1983; Susidko, Fed'ko, 1976; Podkopai, 1954) and in the North Caucasus (Minoranskii, 1978; Sindyashkina, 1954; Stukalova, 1969; Ivashchenko, 1981, etc.). In Transcaucasia, A. gurgistanus inhabits both plains and foothills (Agaev, 1988), in particular all main zones of East and West Georgia (Kobakhidze, 1966; Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965), as well as Armenia (Mardzhanyan, 1985) and Azerbaijan (Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965; Agaev, 1988). It has been erroneously mentioned as inhabiting Middle Asia (Pavlovskii, 1949). Pest reproduction areas are not located only in gramineous cereal plants (Dolin, 1964). A. gurgistanus is a xerophilous species against mezophylous A. sputator and hygrophilous A. lineatus. A. gurgistanus causes high harm in the steppe zone of the Krasnodar Territory (e.g. Ivashchenko, 1981), in the central, southern and south-western districts of the Rostov Region (Minoranskii, 1978), the western part of Stavropol Territory (Sindyashkina, 1954), the southern part of the steppe zone of the Ukraine, particularly in Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd Regions, and in Crimea (Dolin, 1988), central and southern parts of Moldavia (Ostafichuk, 1972, 1988), lower forest and forest-steppe zones of Alazan valley of Georgia (Lagodekhi, T'elavi, Gurjaani Regions), the north of Armenia and in foothills of Azerbaijan (Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965). The zone of low harm covers the northern part of Moldavia (Ostafichuk, 1972, 1988), the central steppe of the Ukraine (Mukharam, 1983), northern and south-eastern parts of the Rostov Region (Ostafichuk, 1972, 1988), the eastern part of Stavropol Territory (Sindyashkina, 1954), other districts of East Georgia, the plains of Azerbaijan and the south of Armenia (Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965). Regions of distribution and harm of A. gurgistanus were specified according to the Atlas of vegetation (Barysheva et al., 1992) and the areas of agricultural lands of the former USSR.Sources of data:
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All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 © A.N. Frolov & M.I. Saulich.Photo belongs to A.N. Frolov.