Area of distribution and damage of common click beetle (wireworm), Agriotes sputator .

Scientist - A.N. Frolov,GIS specialist - M.I. Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on information taken from the published literature and maps of scale 1: 20 000 000 - 50 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia" 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 4 layers. Area and zones of strong and low damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Within the limits of the natural habitat the area of strong harm was selected where 1) the number of click beetles regularly exceeded an economic threshold (5-10 larvae per sq.m.), and 2) common click beetle was a background species on agricultural lands, i.e. density of common click beetle's larvae exceeded the density of larvae of any other click beetle species, being sympatric to common click beetle. Within the limits of the area a zone of weak harm was selected where the density of click beetle may also exceed an economic threshold (5-10 larvae per sq.m.), however common click beetle is not a background species, i.e. density of its larvae does not exceeds the density of larvae of any other click beetle species, being sympatric to common click beetle on agricultural lands.Method of map production:
The map of range and harm of common click beetle was compiled after analysis of literature data (Agaev, 1988; Aleinikova, 1962; Baluev, 1966; Belyaev, 1974; Bobinskaya, 1961-1969; Vasiliva, 1971; Volkovintser, 1972; Anonymous, 1973; Gorbatyuk, 1969; Guriev, 1961-1979; Guriev, Krivolutskaya, 1968; Dolin, 1964, 1988; Ishmaev, Shepelevich, 1969; Katyukha, 1979; Kiselyova, 1959; Kobakhidze, 1966; Kryzhanovskii, 1974; Mardzhanyan, 1985, Minoranskii, Ponomarenko, 1978; Nadvornyi, 1969; Ostafichuk, 1968; Pavlov, 1983; Pospelova, 1974; Radkevich, 1970; Roshinenko, 1969; Sakharov, 1947; Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965; Firsov et al., 1972; Cherepanov, 1957, 1965; Shchegolev et al., 1934; Yatsynin, Rubanova, 2002, etc.) and cartographical materials after N.G. Sindyashkina (1954), A.I.Cherepanov (1957), and M.M.Aleinikova (1962). The map made by D. Hill (1978) reflects cumulative range of at least 7-8 harmful species of the genus Agriotes, and in this connection it was used only for information purposes. A. sputator is a mezophylous species against xerophilous A. gurgistanus and hygrophilous A. lineatus. Formation of pest propagation places is limited to gramineous plants (Dolin, 1964). In the north of its geographic range A. sputator inhabits open heated ecosystems. In the south of area it shifts under wood canopy (Dolin, 1988), inhabits foothill and mountain areas (Mardzhanyan, 1985; Chopikashvili, 1978, etc.), and into irrigated terrains (e.g., north steppe areas of Crimea) (Stovbchatyi, 1981; Stovbchatyi, Grinkevich, 1981). North border of the species range penetrates into south of taiga where it lives in meadows, fields and near forest strips (Aleinikova, 1962; Cherepanov, 1957). In the European part the north border crosses the latitude of St. Petersburg (Shchegolev et al., 1934; Kryzhanovskii, 1974; Gurieva, 1979). In the west insect range coincides with the border of the former USSR: the species is well known everywhere in Moldova (Ostafichuk, 1968), Belarus (Yakimovich, 1970), Ukraine (Dolin, 1988), the Baltic States (Gurieva, 1979, etc.). In the east the species lives from the Ural mountains up to Transbaikalia (Ulan-Ude); in western Siberia it is recorded from southern regions of taiga up to foothills of Altai (in Khakassia and Tuva insect is not registered) (Cherepanov, 1957, 1965). The south border of distribution in the Asian part passes across north Kazakhstan (dry steppe zone) and mountain steppes of Alatau mountains (Cherepanov, 1957, 1965; Gurieva, 1972, 1979, etc.). Sometimes the species penetrates into loamy semi deserts where it inhabits low places weeded with gramineous plants (Arnol'di et al., 1971). In the Far East it is recorded in the Shkotov district (Gurieva, 1972a). It is registered also in south Sakhalin (Katyukha, 1977). In Transcaucasia its distribution circumscribed to highlands from 500 up to 1800 m above sea level (Agaev, 1988; Kobakhidze, 1966; Tulashvili, Samundzheva, 1965, etc.). Common click beetle is one of the most harmful species in European and partly Asian parts of the former USSR, including the south of Nonchernozem (non humosus) region, forest-steppe and humid steppe regions (Shchegolev et al., 1934; Kryzhanovskii, 1974; Pavlov, 1983), e.g. high injury is registered in Moldova, the Rostov Region, foothills of North Caucasus, irrigated terrains of the southern Ukrainian steppe (South of Kherson Region, North Crimea), Middle and partly lower Volga Regions, north Armenia, east Georgia, north Kazakhstan and south Siberia (boreal part of Kokchetav and Astana (formely Akmolinsk), forest-steppe parts of Kurgan, Tyumen, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, foothills of Altai and Kuznetsk forest-steppes) (Sakharov, 1947; Bobinskaya, 1961-1969, Dolin, 1964, 1988; Cherepanov, 1957, 1965 and other references mentioned below). In southern steppes of Ukraine and North Caucasus A. sputator concedes its leading position to A. gurgistanus; in the northeast of the former USSR (north-east of Belarus, Baltic states) other species predominate being consequently more dangerous, e.g. A. lineatus. Regions of distribution and harm of Common click beetle were specified according to the Atlas of vegetation (Barysheva et al., 1992), and harm under the areas agricultural lands of the former USSR.Reference citations:
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