Area and damage zones of Aphis gossypii Glov.

Specialist-biologist M.N. Berim,GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
It is created on materials of map of natural scale 1:33 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
The vector map is composed of 4 thematic layers. The area of distribution is shown by polygons and dots, the pest damage zones by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
The insect area is divided into zones of high and low damage using the published materials (Rekach, 1933, 1938; Kozhaeva, 1963; Nosova, 1980; et al.). The zone of low damage includes regions that are characterized by periodical damage to cotton plants according to points 1-2 (up to 25 individuals on 1 bush with 2-3 real leaves, populating 30% of bushes); the zone of high damage is characterized according to points 3 and higher (100 and more individuals on 1 bush, populating 50% of bushes) (Drakhovskaya, 1962).Method of map production:
The area and damage zones of A. gossypii have been marked on a blank map by results of the analysis of the published materials. The northern border has been marked also after the published materials (Vasil'ev, 1922; Rekach, Dobretsova1933; Shaposhnikov, 1964; Ivanovskaya, 1976). This border goes along 54°N. The species occurs in West Siberia (small numbers) (Ivanovskaya, 1976). The borders of zones of different harmfulness are given, using criteria that have been published by I.V.Vasil'ev (1922), V.N. Rekach & T.A. Dobretsova (1933); A.N. Karpova (1937); V.N.Rekach (1938); K.I.Kozhaeva (1963); T.M.Nosova (1980); et al. The low pest damage zone covers steppe zone of Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Lower Volga Basin region, Eastern Kazakhstan. The highest harming activity is characteristic on cotton and melons in Middle Asia, Azerbaijan, and South Kazakhstan; on melons in Lower Volga Basin region. The vector maps of cotton, melons and vegetable cultures distribution within the territory of the Former Soviet Union have also been used for the correction of damage zones (Koroleva et al., 2003, Lomova, Terekhina, 2004).Sources of the data:
Baranov A.N. 1969. Atlas of the USSR. Moscow: Chief Department of Geodesy and Cartography. 90-91 p. (in Russian).Bozhko M.P. 1976. Aphids of food plants. Khar'kov: Vishcha shkola. 16 p. (in Russian).
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Drakhovskaya M. 1962. Forecasting in plant protection. Moscow: Publishing House of Agricultural literature, magazines and posters. 165 p. (in Russian).
Ivanovskaya O.I. 1976. Fauna of aphids on the territory of West Siberia. In: Zolotorenko G.S., ed. Fauna of helminthes and arthropods of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka. P. 175-189 (in Russian).
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