Area of distribution and damage of Long-Tailed Field Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus L.)

Object specialist - F.A. KarlikGIS-specialist - M.I. Saulich
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using maps to the natural scale of 1:13,000,000 (Mezhzherin, 1987); 1:40,000,000 (Mezhzherin & Lashkova, 1992); 1:60,000,000 (Pavlinov, et al., 2002); and 1:80,000,000 (Flint, et al., 1970).Projection:
"Alber.s Equal Conica for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map, which consists of 2 layers. Area of distribution and zones of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Within the area of distribution, the zone of low damage of A. sylvaticus was established by considering its multi-year integrated effect on yield. In some years, large-scale damage is possible in local foci, where density of rodents in grain crops reaches 40-50 or more individuals per 100 traps/day.Mapping procedure:
Map of Flint et al. (1970) was used in determining the range of Apodemus sylvaticus. This map shows the distribution of A. sylvaticus acknowledged by the majority of specialists before the last revision of Apodemus. In addition, map materials from recent investigations into the karyosystematics of long-tailed field mice (Mezhzherin, 1987; Mezhzherin & Lashkova, 1992) were used. According to the results of these investigations, it has been clearly shown that the area of Apodemus sylvaticus itself is more restricted than it seemed earlier. The boundaries of the zone of low damage coincide with the distribution of grain crops in this zone, established by the vector layer of Koroleva et al. (2003). The maps were scanned. Registration and vectorization of their raster copies were performed using standard GIS-technologies.Sources of data:
Flint, V.E., Chugunov, Yu.D. & Smirin, V.M. 1970. Mammals of the USSR. Moscow: Mysl. 437 p. (in Russian).Mezhzherin, S.V. 1987. Genetic divergence of long-tailed field mice of subgenus Sylvimus. In: Baev, A.A., ed. Proceedings of Ac.Sc.USSR 296 (5): 1255-1258 (in Russian).
Mezhzherin, S.V. & Lashkova, E.I. 1992. Diagnostics, geographical variability and distribution of two closely related mice species Sylvaemus sylvayicus and S.flavicollis (Rodentia, Muridae) in area of their joint habitat. In: Akimov, I.A., ed. Bulletin of Zoology (3): 33-41 (in Russian).
Pavlinov, I.Ya., Kruskop, S.V., Varshavskii, A.A. & Borisenko, A.V. 2002. Land animals of Russia. Manual-Identification book. Moscow: KMK. 298 p. (in Russian).
Right and copyright:
All rights reserved.Copyright 2004 © F.A. Karlik & M.I. Saulich (VIZR, vector map and description)