Area of distribution and damage of Argyresthia pruniella (Cl.)

Object specialists E.I. Ovsyannikova & I.Ya. Grichanov,GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on information taken from open-published literature and maps of scale 1: 33 000 000 to 1: 17 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of species distribution is shown by polygons. Zones of recorded mass outbreak are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Only a zone of low damage was allocated within the limits of the general area. In this zone the pest has demonstrated economic significance. In spring the young caterpillars penetrate flower or leaf buds, eating them entirely; the damage they cause is similar to that of another pest of buds, Spilonota ocellana. The following economic threshold is suggested for the latter species: 5-8% damaged buds before flowering of fruit cultures (during the phase of green tops) according to Dolzhenko (2004). The Cherry Fruit Moth is sometimes able to damage flower and leaf buds of cherry according to the following sources: Belosel.skaya (1952), Voronov (1964), Sinev (1994).Method of map production:
Scientists were given maps with boundaries of Oblasts and arable lands. After reviewing historic literature, species distribution was hand drawn on maps. If data were on the Oblast-level, distribution is on the Oblast level. In some cases, Oblast.s are further refined by boundaries of the Arable Land Map (Koroljeva et al., 2003). Hand drawn maps were scanned, georeferenced and vectorized. The map was compiled based on the analysis of open-published materials. The Cherry Fruit Moth area was outlined according to the following sources: Belosel.skaya (1952), Voronov (1964), Sinev (1994), Vasil.ev & Livshits (1984), Krishtal. (1959), Charushina & Shernin (1974), Kullberg et al. (2001). The northern border of the area was drawn according to sporadic records. In the European part of Russia it passes from the border of southern Karelia with Finland through the Leningrad and Kirov Regions to Tatarstan in the east. Reference data by Polyakov et al. (1984) and some others were used to determine the distribution of the species in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, and the Far East but are not supported by the original data. East of the Volga River the species was not recorded. High mountains of the Caucasus and deserted lands of the Northern Caspian depression were excluded from the area. The zone of low damage includes Moscow, Tula, Vladimir and the Ivanovo Regions according to the following sources: Belosel.skaya (1952), Voronov (1964). Before 1950 the harmful activity of the Cherry Fruit Moth was also recorded in Crimea, Chernihiv Region, and in southern vicinities of Saint Petersburg (Pulkovo, Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Luga). The species was repeatedly mentioned as a pest of cherry and plums in applied reference books of some regions as follows: for Ukrainian Polesye according to Krishtal. (1959) and Savkovskii (1974); in Georgia according to Batiashvili (1959); in the Krasnodar Territory according to Anonymous (2005). However, original data on its harmfulness outside the Nonchernozem zone of Russia has not been found.Reference citations:
Anonymous. 2005. Keys to pests. Description of plants damaged by insects. Niva Kubani. Krasnodar: I.D. 1959. Pests of continental and subtropical fruit crops. Tbilisi: Institut sel'skogo khozyaistva. 455 p. (In Russian)
Belosel.skaya Z.G. 1952. Argyresthia ephippella F. as a pest of cherry and plums. Entomologicheskoe obozrenie, 32: 86-92. (In Russian)
Charushina A.N., Shernin A.I. 1974. Order Lepidoptera. In: Shernin A.I., ed. Fauna of the Kirov Region. V. 2. Kirov: Kirov GPI. 351-477 p. (In Russian)
Dolzhenko V.I., ed. 2004. Methodical instructions on registration tests of insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, and rodenticides in agriculture. St. Petersburg: VIZR. 363 p. (In Russian)
Gershenzon Z.S. 1974. Family Argyresthiidae. In: Vasil.ev V.P., ed. Pests of agricultural crops and forest plantations. V. 2. Arthropods. Kiev: Urozhai. 234-235 p. (In Russian)
Gershenzon Z.S. 1981. Argyresthiidae. In: Medvedev G.S., ed. Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR. V. 4(2). Leningrad: Nauka. 347-359 p. (In Russian)
Koroljeva IE, Vilchevskaya EV, Ruhovich DI. 2003. Digital Arable Land Map. Laboratory of Soil Information of the Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Moscow, Russia [Based on: Yanvareva LF. (ed.), Martynjuk KN., Kisileva NM. 1989. Map of Land Use, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.].
Krishtal. O.P. 1959. Agricultural insect pests in Ukrainian forest-steppe and forest belts. Kyiv: Kyiv University. 360 p. (In Ukrainian)
Kullberg J., Albrecht A., Kaila L., Varis V. 2001. Checklist of Finnish Lepidoptera - Suomen perhosten luettelo. Sahlbergia (Helsinki), 6(2): 1-190.
Polyakov I.Ya., Kopaneva L.M., Dorokhova G.I. 1984. Number and distribution of pests and entomophages of fruit and berry cultures in different agricultural zones of the USSR. In: Kopaneva L.M., ed. Key to harmful and useful insects and mites of fruit and berry cultures in the USSR. Leningrad: Kolos. 6-45 p. (In Russian)
Savkovskii P.P. 1976. Atlas of the pests of fruit and berry plants. Kiev: Urozhai. 207 p. (In Russian)
Sinev S.Yu. 1994. Family Argyresthiidae. In: Kuznetsov V.I., ed. Insects and mites - pests of agricultural plants. V. 3(1). Lepidoptera. St. Petersburg: Nauka. 254-259 p. (In Russian)
Vasil.ev V.P., Livshits I.Z. 1984. Pests of fruit crops. Moscow: Kolos. 399 p. (In Russian)
Voronov F.R. 1964. Harming activity of the Cherry Fruit Moth. Zashchita rastenii ot vreditelei i boleznei, 10: 39. (In Russian)
Right and copyright:
All rights reserved. Copyright 2005 © E.I. Ovsyannikova, I.Ya. Grichanov (VIZR; description, raster map); M.I. Saulich (VIZR, vector map,)Photo © V.V.Neymorovets (VIZR)