
The area and zones of harmfulness of European water vole (Water vole) Arvicola terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758).

Object description Download GIS-layers


Biologist - F.A. Karlik
GIS-specialist - M.I. Saulich.

Date of creation:




Accuracy of map:

Created based on materials of maps of natural scale 1:12,000,000; 1:45,000,000.


"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR" 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0

Basic contents:

Vector map of 4 layers and legend. Zones of distribution and harmfulness are shown by polygons.

Accuracy of classifier:

Depending on economic significance, the area is divided into zones of strong (stable) and weak (unstable) harmfulness. Periodicity of the rising pest population and mass outbreaks were selected as a classifier for each zone. Rising population and mass outbreaks have been registered at least every 2nd-3rd year in the zone of strong harmfulness and at least every 8th year in the zone of weak harmfulness.

Method of map production:

Open-published original maps of the area and zones of harmfulness were scanned. Registration and vectorization of raster maps were executed using standard tools of GIS.

Reference citations:

Formozov A.N. 1947. An essay of ecology of the rodents - vectors of tularemia. Materialy po gryzunam (Materials on the rodents). Vol. 1. pp. 13-44 (in Russian).
Kuzyakin A.P. (Ed.). 1959. Water vole and its control in Western Siberia. Novosibirsk: Knizhnoe Izd. 478pp. (in Russian).
Panteleev P.A. 1968. A population ecology of water vole and control measures. Moscow: Nauka. 255pp. (in Russian).
Panteleev P.A. (Ed.). 2001. The Water vole: an image of the species. Moscow: Nauka. 527pp. (in Russian).
Distribution of main agricultural pests in the USSR and efficacy of their control (Methodical guideline). 1975. Leningrad: VASKhNIL, VIZR. 66 pp.

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright © F.A.Karlik & M.I.Saulich (vector map, description).


Zones of harmfulness are given according to Methodical guideline: Planning, organizing and technology of plant protection in rodent control. Leningrad: MSKh SSSR, VIZR. 1985. 64 pp.

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