Area and damage zone of Blanfordimys afghanus (Thomas)

Object and GIS-specialist - M.I.Saulich.Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
It is created on information taken from the open published literature and maps of scale 1: 40 000 000; 1:45 000 000 and 1:17000000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
It is a vector map consisting of 2 layers. Area and zone of pest damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
The zone of high pest damage is indicated within the limits of the area where outbreaks occur periodically; density of Afghan Vole population can run up to 1,000 individuals per hectare. As a consequence, practically total extermination of pasture vegetation happens in these localities. The Afghan Vole has no economic significance on the rest part of the area in view of its low numbers.Method of map production:
Cartographical data (Bobrinskii et al., 1965; Polyakov, 1968; Flint et al., 1970) as well as text records (Vinogradov & Ivanov, 1945; Nurgeldyev, 1956; 1971; Davydov, 1958; Golenishchev, 2000-2002) were used when map preparation. The south boundary of the area coincides with the state boundaries of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, where these three countries are contiguous with Iran and Afghanistan. Mountain territories were excluded from the area since the Afghan Vole inhabits regions below altitude 1700 m. The borders of the pest high damage zone are determined according to the map taken from the publication of I.Ya. Polyakov (1968). However, the latest data testify that this zone was reduced, because the significance of the Afghan Vole as a pest of crops in Tajikistan lowered in a result of irrigation agriculture widening and cattle overgrazing (Davydov, 1988, 1992). Correction of the area and high pest damage zone are carried out according to the territories of the largest grain crops distribution (Koroleva et al., 2003) and USSR vegetetion map (Chikov, 1983). The zone of subtropic submontane steppes is used as a landscape indicator since ecotopes of the Afghan Vole are confined to this zone.Reference citations:
Bobrinskii, N.A., Kuznetsov, B.A. & Kuzyakin, A.P. 1965. Keys to Mammals of the USSR. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 382 p. (in Russian).Chikov, P.S., ed. 1983. Atlas of areas and resources of herbs of the USSR. Moscow: VNIILR, BIN, LGU, TGU, 340 p. (in Russian).
Davydov, G.S. 1957. Data about the Afghan vole distribution (Microtus (Blanfordimys) afghanus Thomas) in Tajikistan. Reports of Tajik SSR Academy Science (Stalinabad) 21: 49-50 (in Russian).
Davydov, G.S. 1988. Mammalians (rodents). In: Abdusalyamov, I.A., ed., Fauna of Tajik SSR. V. 20, part 3. Dushanbe: Donish, 314 p. (in Russian).
Davydov, G.S. 1992. Structure change of Tajikistan rodentТs population as a result of anthropogenic landscape transformation. Proc. of the Tajikistan Republic Academy Science. Department of Biological Sciences 5: 10-15 (in Russian).
Flint, V.E., Chugunov, Yu.D. & Smirin, V.M. 1970. Mammals of the USSR. Moscow: Mysl, 437 p. (in Russian).
Golenishchev, F.N. 2000-2003. The Afghan vole Microtus (Blanfordimys) afghanus (Thomas, 1912). Publication on website "Centre of protection wild nature: Rodents of former USSR", URL (in Russian).
Nurgeldyev, O.N. 1956. Outbreak of the Afghan vole (Microtus (Blanfordimys), 1912) in South-East of Turkmenistan. In: Bogdanova, O.P., ed. Proceeding of Turkmenian SSR Academy Science. v. 4. Ashkhabad: Academy Science of Turkmenian SSR, 45-54 (in Russian).
Nurgeldyev, O.N. 1971. Rodents Ц pasture plant pests of flat Turkmenistan. In: Gladkov, N.A. et al., ed. Animal World of Turkmenistan. Terrestrial vertebrates. Ashkhabad: Ilym, p. 158-181 (in Russian).
Polyakov, I.Ya. 1968. The harmful rodents and their control. Leningrad: Kolos, 256 p. (in Russian).
Vinogradov, B.S. & Ivanov, A.I. 1945. The rodents of Taikistan. Stalinabad: 81 p. (in Russian).