Area of distribution and damage of Bryobia redikorzevi Reck

Object specialist - G.E. David'yan,GIS-specialist - M.I. Saulich
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000Accuracy of the map:
Map was created based on materials of a map with scale 1:33 000 000 and on the basis of information taken from literature.Projection:
.Alber.s Equal Area Conic for the USSR., 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of species distribution is shown by polygons. Zones of recorded mass outbreak are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Within the area of distribution only a zone of low damage was established according to the extent of damage to fruit crops. The threshold of harmfulness of B. redikorzevi on fruit trees before bud blossoming in March is 100-200 eggs per 1 meter of twigs; 300-400 specimens of mites in the post-embryonic stages per 100 leaves during the blossoming period; or 700 specimens per 100 leaves at the time of fruit ripening. Within the zone of low damage the maximum harmfulness of B. redikorzevi is not more than 1 point (rarely 3 points in the Far East) based on the 5-points scale of harmfulness (Livshits & Mitrofanov, 1984).Method of map production:
Scientists were given maps with boundaries of Oblasts and arable lands. After reviewing historic literature, species distribution was hand drawn on maps. If data were on the Oblast-level, distribution is on the Oblast level. In some cases, Oblast.s are further refined by boundaries of the Arable Land Map (Koroljeva et al., 2003). Hand drawn maps were scanned, georeferenced and vectorized. The map of the area was produced based on the following publications: Bagdasaryan (1957), Reck (1959), Livshits (1960), Strunkova (1968), Vasil'ev (1973), Prokofev (1987). In the former USSR the area includes Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Russia (from the western borders east to Altai Region, and locally in the Primorskii Territory), the whole Caucasus, Southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The zone of low damage includes Moldavia, most parts of the Ukraine except for the northern regions, southern part of Central Chernozem region, Lower and Middle part of Volga Basin region, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan Regions, Primorskii Territory, the Caucasus, Southern Kazakhstan and republics of Middle Asia except Turkmenistan. The borders of the zone of damage were determined according to the following publications: Livshits (1960), Strunkova (1968), Vasil'ev (1973), Livshits & Mitrofanov (1984); and were adjusted according to the distribution of fruit crops based on the map of Tochenov (1984).Reference citations:
Bagdasaryan A.T. 1957. Fauna of the Armenian SSR. Tetranychid mites (Superfamily Tetranychoidea). Yerevan: AN Armenian SSR. 163 p. (In Russian)Koroljeva IE, Vilchevskaya EV, Ruhovich DI. 2003. Digital Arable Land Map. Laboratory of Soil Information of the Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Moscow, Russia [Based on: Yanvareva LF. (ed.), Martynjuk KN., Kisileva NM. 1989. Map of Land Use, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.].
Livshits I.Z. 1960. Brown fruit mite (Bryobia redikorzevi Reck, 1947). Systematic, morphology and biology. The pests and diseases of the fruiters and decorative plants. Proceedings of the Nikitsky bot. garden (Yalta), 33: 3-76. (In Russian)
Livshits I.Z., Mitrofanov V.I. 1984. Order Acariformes. In: Kopaneva L.M., ed. 1984. Keys to harmful and useful insects and mites on fruit and berry plants in the USSR. Leningrad: Kolos. 288 p. (In Russian)
Prokofev M.A. 1987. Siberian orchards protection against pests. Moscow: Rosselkhozizdat. 239 p. (In Russian)
Reck G.F. 1959. Keys to tetranychid mites. Tbilisi: Izd. AN Georgian SSR. 151 p. (In Russian)
Sazonov A.P., Burov V.N., Sundukova N.E., Mokrousova E.P., Kolesova D.A., Zolotov L.A., Voinyak V.I., Pristavko V.P., Chernii A.M., Petrushova N.I., Medvedeva G.M., Matvievskii A.S., Maksimova V.I., Atanov N.M., Gummel R.M. 1991. Technology of practical application of biologically active compounds in the IPM on fruit and vegetable cultures against pests (recommendations). Moscow: VASKHNIL. 32 p. (In Russian)
Strunkova Z.I. 1968. Biology and ecology of the brown fruit mite (Bryobia redikorzevi Reck) in Central Tadjikistan. Izvestiya AN Tadzhikskoi SSR (Dushanbe), 3(32): 42-54. (In Russian)
Tochenov V.V., ed. 1984. Atlas of the USSR. Moscow: GUGK. 260 p. (In Russian)
Vasil'ev V.P., ed. 1973. Pests of agricultural crops and forest plantations. V. 1. Kiev: Urozhai. 496 p. (In Russian)