Area of distribution and damage of Delia floralis (Fallen).

Object specialists I.Ya.Grichanov & E.I.Ovsyannikova, GIS-specialist M.I.Saulich.Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on information taken from open-published literature and maps of scale 1: 33 000 000 - 1:38 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 3 layers. Area and zones of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Within the general area in the Former USSR 2 zones were allocated, i.e., zones of moderate and low damage. In the zone of moderate damage the number of D. floralis larvae exceeds 5-6 individuals per plant on 5-10% populated plants in the phase of whorl formation under favorable weather conditions for oviposition and larvae hatching, and it exceeds 7-8 individuals per plant in the phase of head setting under the same conditions (3-5 times a decade) (Tanskii & Dormidontova, 1980; Tanskii, 1985; Sazonov et al., 1991). In the zone of low damage the pest number periodically (2-3 times a decade) reaches economic threshold in some fields, on average 1-4 larvae per plant on 5-10% populated plants in the phase whorl formation, and 1-6 individuals per plant in the phase of head setting.Procedure of map drawing:
The map was compiled according to results of the analysis of open published materials. Northern border of the pest area in Europe passes through Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Regions and Republic of Komi according to Semenov (1954) and Shapiro (1958); it corresponds to isotherm of the sum of effective temperatures above 10°C (degree days) 500°C (Rubinshtein, 1972) that is necessary for development of complete generation (Stepanova, 1962). Extrapolation of the northern area within the limits of Siberia and the Far East along the isotherm 500°C (Rubinshtein, 1972) corresponds to available literature data on distribution of the species in this territory (Galakhov, 1958; Dzholova, 1965; Semakov, 1964, 1972; Provorotova, 1977; Chukanova, 1980; ElТberg, 1981; Amsheev, 1987). Only Galakhov (1958) reported the species north of this line (from Dudinka). Southern border of the area was drawn according to results of the analysis of the environmental preferendum of the species, i.e., according to data on mass death of individuals of preimaginal stages at relative humidity 50% and lower or at temperature 35°C and higher (Vodinskaya, 1928; Dzholova, 1965). Our analysis of the species distribution in West and Central Europe (Dely-Draskovits, 1993) has shown that the area does not exceed in the south the border of the zone with sufficient wetting and zone with comparatively droughty vegetation period; the border corresponds to isoline 1.0 of hygrothermic criterion (GolТtsberg & VasilТeva, 1972). This border has been extrapolated in the territory of East Europe and Siberia, shifted southward in the Saratov Region (Borisov et al., 1999) and Qostanai Region (Iskakov, 1980); it has also been corrected in Tuva Republic after Kulakova et al., 1969, corresponding to published literature in all other respects. The zone of moderate damage was determined within the limits of coniferous forest zone of the European part and within the limits of forest and forest-steppe zones of the Asian part of the former USSR (Barysheva et al., 1992) according to authors of applied literature (Yakhimovich & Chesnokov, 1934; Shapiro, 1958; Stepanova, 1962, 1975; Semakov, 1972; Chukanova, 1980), adapted to the areas of industrial cultivation of cabbage and vegetable cultures (Lizgunova, 1965; Tochenov et al., 1984). The zone of low damage was adapted to the areas of cabbage that were not included in the zone of moderate damage, coinciding with the area in the south (Yakhimovich & Chesnokov, 1936; Dzholova, 1965; Lizgunova, 1965; Rogochaya, 1974; Iskakov & Kabirova, 1980).Sources of the data:
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