The area and damage zones of Brachycolus (Diuraphis) noxia Mordvilko.

Specialist-biologist M.N. Berim, GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich.Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on materials of map of natural scale 1:33 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map is composed of 3 thematic layers. Zones of distribution and damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
The insect area is divided into zones of high and low damage using criteria that have been published in the Methodical recommendations (Berim & Radchenko 2002). The zone with high damage includes regions that are characterized by periodical mass reproductions of the pest according to scores 5, 7, and 9; zone with low damage is characterized according to scores 1 and 3.Procedure of map drawing:
The area and damage zones of B. noxia Mordvilko were marked on a blank map based on results of the analysis of the published materials. The materials of VIZR expeditions have been also used. The borders of zones of different harmfulness were determined according to criteria published by G. Kh.Shaposhnikov (1964); V.P. Vasil'ev (1973); A.A. Migulin (1983); M.N. Berim & Radchenko (2002). The northern border was determined accordig to published materials (Shaposhnikov 1964; Ivanovskaya 1977), results of the analysis of hosts spreading according to the atlas of the USSR vegetation, taking into account the temperature preference of this insect. The vector maps of the distribution of wheat, barley, rye, maize, and oats within the territory of the Former Soviet Union were also used for the correction of damage zones (Koroleva et al. 2003). The map has been scanned, its registration and vectorization has been made using GIS-technology.Sources of the data:
Berim, M.N. & Radchenko, E.E. 2002. Methods of estimation and identification of cereal aphids. Methodical recommendations. Moscow. P. 3- 21 (in Russian).Ivanovskaya, O.I. 1977. Aphids of West Siberia. Part II. Novosibirsk: Nauka. P. 34-5 (in Russian).
Migulin, A.A., ed. 1983. The agricultural entomology. Moscow: Kolos. P. 71-2 (in Russian).
Nevskii, V.P. 1929. The aphids of Middle Asia. The proceedings of Uzbekistan Experimental plant protection station 16. Tashkent. 76 p. (in Russian).
Polyakov, I.Ya., ed. 1975. Distribution of the main pests of agricultural crops in the USSR and efficiency of their control (Methodical recommendations). Leningrad: VASKHNIL, VIZR. 66 p. (in Russian).
Shaposhnikov, G.Kh. 1964. Suborder Aphidinea - aphids. In: Bei-Bienko G.Ya., ed. The keys to insects of the European part of the USSR. V. 1. Moscow & Leningrad: Nauka. P. 489-616 (in Russian).
Vasil.ev, V.P., ed. 1973. The pests of agricultural crops and forest plantations. 1. Kiev: Urozhai. p. 274-75 (in Russian).
Right and copyright:
All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 © M.N.Berim & M.I.Saulich (vector map, description)Photo Dr. Edgar Schliephake (Julius Kuehn Institute, Germany)