Area of distribution and damage of Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.

Object specialists I.Ya. Grichanov & E.I. OvsyannikovaGIS-specialist M.I. Saulich
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using information from state publications and maps of scale 1:33,000,000-1:200,000,000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 3 layers. Distribution area and zones of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Within the boundaries of the pest distribution area within the former USSR, 2 zones were allocated -- zones of moderate and low damage. In the zone of moderate damage, the number of E. chrysorrhoea usually exceeds the economic threshold under favorable weather conditions for egg laying and caterpillar hatching. The economic threshold is 1 nest per 2-3 m3 of tree crown before bud blossoming and 8-12% damaged leaves after bud blossoming, which corresponds to 12-15 caterpillars per 100 branches (Dolzhenko, 2004). In the zone of low damage, the number occasionally (1-2 times in one decade) reaches this economic threshold.Mapping procedure:
The map was compiled following an analysis of published materials and maps. The map by Kozhanchikov (1950) was used as a prototype. The Uralsk (Oral) Region of Kazakhstan was included in the distribution area based on Bashmakov (1958) and Kuznetsov (1999); the border of the moderate damage zone in the North Caucasus and Ukraine was corrected according to Dobrovol.skii (1959) and Vasil.ev (1955). Records of the species in southern and northern Kazakhstan and in Middle Asia (D.yakonov & Kozhanchikov; Polyakov, 1984; Miralibekov, 1986) actually refer to other species of the genus Euproctis (E. karghalica Moore and E. similis Fuessly) according to Zolotarenko & Dubatolov (2002) and Kuznetsov (1999). The species is nocuous in the forest soil-vegetation zone and is even more dangerous in forest-steppe and steppe zones (Kozhanchikov, 1950; Dobrovol.skii, 1949, 1959; Vasil.ev, 1955; Nekrutenko, 1974; Vasil.ev & Livshits, 1984). The zone of moderate damage within areas of industrial fruit cultivation (Tochenov, 1984) was determined according to published data (Polyakov et al., 1984; etc.). The zone of low damage coincides with areas of industrial fruit cultivation that were not included in the zone of moderate damage (see sources of the data).Sources of data:
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