Area of distribution of sunflower moth (Homoeosoma nebulellum)

Object specialist A.N. Frolov, GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
Information from published materials was used, which describe the north border of pest distribution within the European part of former USSR, as well as insect distribution in Middle Asia, Siberia and the Far East.Projection:
"Alber.s Equal Conica for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector map which consists of 1 layer; area of distribution shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Within the area of distribution no zones of damage were chosen because of insignificance of harm caused by the pest to the basic culture (sunflower) which is a result of the growing of "testaceous" varieties.Procedure of map drawing:
The map of distribution of sunflower moth was compiled based on published data (Shchegolev et al., 1934; Arnoldi, Borkhsenius, 1949; Vasil.ev, 1974; Kirpichnikova & Ler, 1988; Kuznetsov, 1999) and corrected according to the distribution of sunflower. Registration and vectorization of raster images was performed using standard means of GIS-technologies. The north borderer of distribution passes from the Gulf of Finland to the Ladoga Lake, then along the left bank of Volga (Shchegolev et al., 1934; Kuznetsov, 1999). Further, the northern border of the pest has been drawn as an overlay of northern border of zone of sunflower cultivation to Novosibirsk and East-Kazakhstan Regions, as it is well known that the species inhabits all the territories where the sunflower occurs in nature (Kuznetsov, 1999). Distribution of the pest in Amur Region and Primorskii Territory is also restricted by zone of sunflower cultivation (Kirpichnikova & Ler, 1988). Distribution of the pest in Middle Asia and Kazakhstan has been recorded widely (excluding deserts) on wild Asteraceae and safflower (Arnoldi & Borkhsenius, 1949).Sources of the data:
Anonym 1997. Homoeosoma nebulella (Denis & Schiffermueller). Sunflower moth. Description, Biology, Life Cycle, Damage, Common Names, Images. .Anonym 2001. The North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station. The sunflower moth.
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