Area of distribution and damage of Hydronomus sinuaticollis Faust.

Object specialists . G.E.David'yan,GIS-specialist - M.I.Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of the map:
It is created on materials of the map with scale 1:33 000 000 on the basis of information taken from literature and by the analysis of the collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences.Projection:
.Alber.s Equal Conica for the USSR., 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map, which consists of 3 thematic layers. Area of distribution is shown by polygons and point layer; zone of pest damage is shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Within the area of distribution, the zone of low damage is established according to the extent of damage to rice. Threshold of harmfulness on the seedlings of the rice crop is 1.5-2 adults per 1 sq. m (Shurovenkov & Chenkin, 1984). In zone of low damage harmfulness of H. sinuaticollis is about 2 points under the 5-points of harmfulness scale (Kopaneva et al., 1980).Method of map production:
Data from the open publications are used for allocation of area and zone of pest damage. Map of the area is based also on the analysis of the collection of the Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg. The localities of the species are marked preliminarily in coordinate system on blank geographical map by standard means of GIS-technologies. It inhabits South of the European part of the former USSR northward to Rostov and Volgograd regions (Arzanov, 1989), steppe territory of the North Caucasus (Ismailova, 1993), eastern part of Transcaucasusia, Turkmenistan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, western Kyrgyzstan and adjacent territories of Kazakhstan (Semenov, 1947; Sborshikova, 1961; Chiong Tkhan, 1971; Baitenov, 1974). The zone of low damage comprises territory of the rice-growing in Uzbekistan and adjacent territories of Turkmenistan, Tadjikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Borders of the zone of damage are given after publications of Sborshchikova (1961), Chiong Tkhan (1971), and Kopaneva et al. (1980).Reference citations:
Arzanov, Yu.G. 1989. Ecological and faunistic review of the weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from the steppe and desert zones of Rostov region and Kalmykia. PhD Thesis. Leningrad: ZIN RAS, 24 p. (in Russian).Baitenov, M.S. 1974. The weevils (Coleoptera: Attelabidae, Curculionidae) of the Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Nauka, 286 p. (in Russian).
Chiong Tkhan, Zh. 1958. Turkestanish rice weevil. In: Avtonomov, A.I. & Balashov, N.N., eds. Collection of student papers (10). Tashkent: ASKhN UzbekSSR: 85-100 (in Russian).
Ismailova, M.Sh. 1993. Ecological and faunistic review of the weevil (Coleoptera: Apionidae, Rhynchophoridae, Curculionidae) from the low-lying and submountain territories of Daghestan. PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg: ZIN RAS, 23 p. (in Russian).
Polyakov I.Ya., Kopaneva L.M., Dorokhova G.I. 1980. Number of pests and entomophages of grain cultures in different agricultural zones of the USSR. In: Kopaneva L.M., ed. Key to harmful and useful insects and mites of grain cultures in the USSR. Leningrad: Kolos: 7-39. (In Russian).
Sborshchikova, M.P. 1961. Preliminary data about Hydronomus sinuaticollis Fst. in Uzbekistan. In: Shchupakovskyi, V.P., ed. Proceedings of the Departament of the rice and another irrigated grain plants, (1). Tashkent: NII Khlopkovodstva: 70-74 (in Russian).
Semenov, A.E. 1947. New pest of the rice in USSR . Hydronomus sinuaticollis Fst. Proceedings of VASKHNIL, (4). Moscow: USSR Ministry of Agriculture. P. 32-36 (in Russian).
Shurovenkov Yu.B. & Chenkin A.F., eds. 1984. Recommendations on counts and identification of pests and diseases of agricultural plants. Voronezh: VNIIZR, 274 p. (in Russian)