Area of distribution and damage of Mamestra brassicae (L.)

Object specialists E.I. Ovsyannikova & I.Ya. GrichanovGIS-specialist M.I. Saulich
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using information from state publications and maps of scale 1:33,000,000-40,000,000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 3 layers. Distribution area and zones of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Distribution area was drawn within the former USSR. Within the distribution area, 2 zones were allocated -- zones of low and moderate pest damage. In the zone of moderate damage, the number of Cabbage Moth caterpillars during the phase of head setting is usually more than 3 individuals per plant with colonization of over 10% of plants, and the number of imagoes is more than 5 moths per pheromone trap per week. In the zone of low damage, its number occasionally (1-2 times a decade) reaches the economic threshold during the same phase of cabbage development, i.e., 1-3 caterpillars per plant with colonization of 5-10% of plants, or 5 butterflies per trap (Sazonov et al., 1991). In practice, the Cabbage Moth is counted together with the Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae L.) and the Small White (Pieris rapae L.) and other lepidopteran pests of cruciferous and vegetable cultures.Mapping procedure:
The map was compiled following an analysis of state cartographical materials and literature. The northern border of the Cabbage Moth distribution area in Europe portrayed on the maps of Hill (1978) and Hacker (2002) coincides with the a degree days total (or the sum of active temperatures) of 500°C, which is necessary for development of one generation (Pospelov, 1989). Our extrapolation of the northern area in Siberia and the Far East along the isotherm of 500°C corresponds to available published data on species distribution in this territory (Gusev, 1959; Dzholova, 1965; Provorotova, 1977; Pospelov, 1989; Sukhareva, 1999; Kononenko, 2003). Chukotka and the Magadan Region were excluded from the area in accordance with Kononenko (2003). The deserts of Central Asia (Barysheva et al., 1992) were excluded from the distribution area (Daricheva, 1988; D.yakonov & Kozhanchikov, 1949) based on data on species hygrophilicity (Pospelov, 1989). The zone of moderate damage was drawn with the help of published data and instructions (see sources of data), allocated within the area of cabbage growth (Lizgunova, 1965) and within areas of industrial cultivation of vegetable cultures (Tochenov et al., 1984). The zone of low damage coincides with the area of cabbage growth as far south as 60°N (Chesnokov, 1936; Druzhelyubova & Zhitkevich, 1966; etc.).Sources of data:
Barysheva, Yu.A., Bruk, S.I., Dmitriev, A.V. et al. 1992. Zones of vegetation types. In: Geographical atlas of the USSR. Moscow: Com. , Komitet Geodesy and cartography of the USSR, p.6 (in Russian).Chesnokov, P.G. 1936. Distribution and economic significance of pests of foliage of cruciferous cultures. Leningrad: VASKHNIL, VIZR, 90 p. (in Russian).
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Dzholova, N.G. 1965. Insect pests of vegetable crops in Baikal region. Moscow: Nauka, 80 p. (in Russian).
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Sazonov, A.P., Burov, V.N., Sundukova, N.E., Mokrousova, E.P., Kolesova, D.A., Zolotov, L.A., Voinyak, V.I., Pristavko, V.P., Chernii, A.M., Petrushova, N.I., Medvedeva, G.M., Matvievskii, A.S., Maksimova, V.I., Atanov, N.M. & Gummel, R.M. 1991. Technology of practical application of biologically active compounds in the IPM on fruit and vegetable cultures against pests (recommendations). Moscow: VASKHNIL, 32 p. (in Russian).
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