Area of distribution and harmfulness of Reed vole (Far-Eastern vole) (Microtus fortis Buchner).
Object description Download GIS-layersAuthors:
Object specialist - F.A. Karlik,GIS-specialist - M.I. Saulich
Data of creation:
1:20 000 000Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on materials of maps of natural scale 1:15 000 000 and 1:40 000 000, and literature data.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of species distribution is shown by polygons. Zones of recorded mass outbreak are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Within area of distribution the zones of harm are depicted according to the abundance (in%) of the rodents that are caught in conversion to 100 traps/day. The zone of moderate harm represents the area where 10-15% are caught per 100 traps/day. The zone of weak harm is where 0-3.7% are caught per 100 traps/day.Method of map production:
Scientists were given maps with boundaries of Oblasts and arable lands. After reviewing historic literature, species distribution was hand drawn on maps. If data were on the Oblast-level, distribution is on the Oblast level. In some cases, Oblast.s are further refined by boundaries of the Arable Land Map (Koroljeva et al., 2003). Hand drawn maps were scanned, georeferenced and vectorized. The distribution area was determined based on the map of Pavlinov et al. (2002). The zones of harm were determined according to the All-Russia Institute of Plant Protection (1975) and adjusted according to Kostenko & Nesterenko (1989) as well as to the map of arable lands (Koroljeva et al., 2003).Reference citations:
All-Russia Institute of Plant Protection. 1975. The distribution of main pests of agricultural crops in the USSR and the efficiency of their control (Methodical recommendations). Leningrad: VASHNIL, VIZR. 66 p.Koroljeva IE, Vilchevskaya EV, Ruhovich DI. 2003. Digital Arable Land Map. Laboratory of Soil Information of the Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Moscow, Russia [Based on: Yanvareva LF. (ed.), Martynjuk KN., Kisileva NM. 1989. Map of Land Use, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.].
Kostenko V.A., Nesterenko V.A. 1989. Rodents of cultivated lands in Primorski Krai. Editor, Tiunov M.P. Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR. 64 p.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Kruskop S.V., Varshavskii A.A., Borisenko A.V. 2002. Land animals of Russia. In: Dunaev E.A., Mikhailov K.G., editors. Manual-Identificatin book. Moscow: KMK. 298 p.
Right and copyright:
All rights reserved.Copyright on vector map and description belongs to their authors
Copyright 2003 © F.A. Karlik & M.I. Saulich