Area and damage zones of the Short-tailed Mole Rat Nesokia indica (Gray and Hardwicke)

Object specialist M.I.Saulich,GIS-specialist M.I.Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
It is created on information taken from the open published literature and maps of scale 1:1 500 000, 1: 35-40 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 3 layers. Area and zones of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Local increases of Short-tailed Mole Rat numbers are characteristic of the moderate damage zone. The zone of low damage is indicated for all other area, even if this species is distributed sporadically and its numbers are low.Method of map production:
Maps and charts from the publications of Bobrinskii et al. (1965), Flint et al. (1970), Davydov (1988) supplemented with the data of later researches and generalizations (Ulitin, 1989, 1990; Gromov, Erbaeva, 1995; Milyutin, 2003) have been taken as a prototype. Reports of 1940-1980s (Vel.tishchev, 1941; Bondar., 1963; Nur-Gel.dyev, 1960; Nurgel.dyev, 1969; Polyakov, 1968; Volozheninov, 1971; Sludskiy et al., 1971) are also used. The Short-tailed Mole Rat area covers Amy Darya basin from Chubrek (Moskovskii village in the Basin of Pyandzh River) to the Aral Sea. From the delta, this species has distributed over the southeast part of Aral Sea coast northward to the Bozuzyak-Ualy gulf. The Short-tailed Mole Rat inhabits the valleys of all rivers flowing into Amy Darya; i.e., Pyandzh, Vakhsh, Yakhsu, Kyzylsu, Kafirnigan, Surhondaryo. Along the Zeravshan River, it is distributed from Bukhara oasis eastward to Samarkand and Pendzhikent. This species also lives in the middle and western parts of Kopetdag, rising up to 1300 m above sea-level in mountains. It is habitual near Ashgabat, and in the river valleys of Sumbar, Chandyr, Tedzhen, and Murgab, occurring at the lower reaches of Atrek River to the Caspian coast. The Short-tailed Mole Rat is one of the most widely spread and harmful rodents in Turkmenistan oasis (Ulitin, 1989). According to the data of Davydov (1988), the distribution area of the Short-tailed Mole Rat has greatly decreased, especially in Tajikistan, as a result of antropogenic factors effect; its numbers have decreased also. Therefore, only the oases of Turkmenistan and the Bukhara oasis in Uzbekistan are distinguished as the zone of moderate pest damage. All the remaining areas belong to the low damage zone.Reference citations:
Bobrinskii N.A., Kuznetsov B.A., Kuzyakin A.P. 1965. Keys to Mammals of the USSR. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 382 p. (in Russian).Bondar.E.P. 1963. To ecology of the Short-tailed Mole Rat. Report 1. Distribution and habitats. In: Aikimbaev M.A., ed. Proceedings of scientific conference on plague focuses in the nature. Alma-Ata: 32-34 (in Russian).
Davydov G.S. 1988. Mammalians (rodents). In: Abdusalyamov I.A., ed. Fauna of Tajik SSR. V. 20, part 3. Dushanbe: Donish, 314 p. (in Russian).
Flint V.E., Chugunov Yu.D., Smirin V.M. 1970. Mammals of the USSR. In: Formozov A.N., ed. Moscow: Mysl., 437 p. (in Russian).
Gromov I.M., Erbaeva M.A. 1995. The Mammals of Russia and adjacent territories. Lagomorphs and Rodents. St. Petersburg: ZIN RAN, 552 p. (in Russian).
Milutin A.I. 2003. Nezokia or the Short-tailed Mole Rat Nesokia indica (Gray et Hardwicke, 1832). [Online] Available at: (in Russian).
Nurgel.dyev O.N. 1960. Materials on fauna and ecology of mammals of the first turn Kara-Kum canal track and its practical significance. In: Formozov A.N., ed., Ashkhabad: Izdatel.stvo Akademii nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, 287 p. (in Russian).
Nurgel.dyev O.N. 1969. Ecology of mammals in Plain Turkmenistan. In: Panfilov D.V., ed. Ashkhabad: Ilym, 259 p. (in Russian).
Polyakov I.Ya. 1968. The harmful rodents and their control. Leningrad: Kolos, 256 p. (in Russian).
Sludskiy A.A. (ed.). 1977. Mammals of Kazakhstan. V.1, part 2. Rodents (exept the marmots, susliks, longcrawded ground squirrels, gerbils and voles). Alma-Ata: Izdatel.stvo .Nauka.of Kazakh SSR, 1977. 536 p. (in Russian).
Ulitin N.A. 1989. Number and Shot-tailed Mole Rat population of cattle-breeding farms in the Ashgabat region of Turkmenistan. In: Sokolov V.I., ed. The reports theses of All-Union conference on a problem of a cadastre and the registration of fauna. Part 2. Experience of cadastre characteristic, results of registration, materials to a cadastre on mammals and hunting-trade birds. Ufa: 103-105 (in Russian).
Ulitin N.A. 1990.Distribution and number of the Short-tailed Mole Rat in the Ashgabat region. In: Reports theses of V congress of All-Union theriological society of the USSR. Academy of science. (29 January -2 February 1990). Moskow, V.2: 116-117 (in Russian).
Vel.tishchev P.A. 1941. About the Short-tailed Mole Rat (Nesokia indica Hutton Blith.) in the Amy Darya delta. In: Vestnik zashity pasteniy, N2. M.-L.: OGIZ . SEL.KHOZGIZ, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel.stvo kolkhoznoi I sovkhoznoi literatury, p. 82-84 (in Russian).
Volozheninov N.N. 1971. To systematic and ecology of the Shirt-tailed Mole Rat (Nesokia indica Grey) in the south of Uzbekistan. Uzbekskii biologicheskii zhurnal (Zoology) N3: 46-49 (in Russian).
Right and copyright:
All rights reserved. Copyright 2007 © M.I. Saulich (VIZR).The picture is borrowed from the publication of Bobrinskii N.A., Kuznetsov B.A., Kuzyakin A.P. 1965. Keys to Mammals of the USSR. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 382 p. (in Russian).