Area of distribution and damage of Neurotoma nemoralis L.

Object specialists - Yu.M. Malysh & A.N.Frolov,GIS-specialist - M.I.Saulich.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of the map:
It is based on materials of the map with scale 1:33 000 000 using the information taken from literature.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Conica for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map, which consists of two thematic layers. Area of distribution and zones of damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Threshold of harmfulness of the European Cherry Webspinning Sawfly, estimated by the shaking method, is 10 adult insects per tree (Sazonov et al., 1991). The zone of low damage is distinguished within the pest area by the expert appraisal of the data of the past years.Method for map production:
To distinguish the species distribution and damage zones, we have analyzed the following publications: Mishnev (1973), Migulin & Mishnev (1974), Mishnev (1975), Pankevich (1979), Tryapitsin & Zhelokhovtsev (1981), Kopaneva (1984). On the territory of Former Soviet Union, the species is found in Baltic States, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Kazakhstan, in the middle and southern areas of the European part of Russia, in the Southwestern Siberia. Northern border of its area passes through Leningrad and Kostroma Regions. The sawfly area seems to cover the entire zone of fruit growing in the European part of the Former USSR, the Caucasus, West Siberia, and North Kazakhstan. The zone of low damage covers Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and adjacent territories of the Western Russia. In Belarus, Kharkiv (Ukraine) and Belgorod (Russia) Regions, pest outbreaks were recorded (Pankevich, 1979, Migulin & Mishnev, 1974, Mishnev, 1974) where 100 insects per 1 square meter hibernated under cherry trees, and 50 to 100% of plants were damaged. Correction of the zones of harmfulness was performed according to the map of orchard distribution (Tochenov, 1984).Reference citations:
Kopaneva L.M., ed. 1984. Keys to harmful and useful insects and mites on fruit and berry plants in the USSR. Leningrad: Kolos. 288 p. (in Russian).Migulin A.A. & Mishnev A.K. 1974. European Cherry Webspinning Sawfly (Neurotoma nemoralis L.) in Belgorod Region and its biological parameters. In: Litvinov M.B., ed. Plant protection against pests, diseases and weeds (Proc. Kharkov SKHI, 202). Kharkov: Kharkov SKHI. 3-7 p. (in Russian).
Mishnev A.K., 1973. European Cherry Webspinning Sawfly (Neurotoma nemoralis L.) in Belgorod Region. In: Litvinov M.B., ed. Plant protection against pests, diseases and weeds (Proc. Kharkov SKHI, 182). Kharkov: Kharkov SKHI. 58-61 p. (in Russian).
Mishnev A.K. 1974. Pests of cherry and bird cherry in Belgorod and Kharkov Regions. In: Litvinov M.B., ed. Plant protection against pests, diseases and weeds (Proc. Kharkov SKHI, 202). Kharkov: Kharkov SKHI. 47-52 p. (in Russian).
Mishnev A.K. 1975. European Cherry Webspinning Sawfly in forest-steppe part of Belgorod and Kharkov Region and its control. PhD Thesis. Kharkov. 16 p. (in Russian).
Pankevich T.P. 1979. Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinoidea) are pests of fruit crop in Belarus. In: Lopatin I.K., ed. Fauna and ecology of Belarus insects. Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika. p. 145-158.
Tochenov V.V., ed. 1984. Atlas of the USSR. Moscow: GUGK, 260 p. (in Russian).
Tryapitsyn V.A. & Zhelokhovtsev A.N. 1981. Order Hymenoptera. Suborder Symphyta. Family Pamphiliidae . Leaf-rolling Sawflies. In: Narchuk E.P., Tryapitsyn V.A., ed. Insects and mites are pests of agricultural crops. V. 4. Hymenoptera and Diptera. Leningrad: Nauka. p. 7.