Area of distribution and harmfulness of Phyllotreta nemorum L., Ph. undulata Kutsch., Ph. armoraciae Koch., Ph. striolata F., Ph. atra Fabr., Ph. cruciferae Goeze., Ph. nigripes F.

Object specialist G.E. David'yan
GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using a map of scale 1:33,000,000 and information from published literature.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Conica for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map consisting of 3 thematic layers. Area of distribution and zones of pest damage are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Threshold of harmfulness for most species of cabbage flea beetle on cabbage seedlings is 3-5 adults per plant with pest colonization of more than 10% of seedlings; on root crop seedlings, it is 5-10 adults per plant with more than 5-10% of seedlings colonized; on mustard seedlings, it is 20-30 adults per square meter. Within the area of distribution, zones of low and moderate damage were established according to the extent of pest damage on agricultural plants. In the zone of moderate damage, the maximum harmfulness of cabbage flea beetles is generally not more than 3 points on the 5-point scale of harmfulness; in the zone of low damage, it is 1, rarely 2 points (Kopaneva et al., 1982).Mapping procedure:
Data from state publications was used to map the distribution area and zones of pest damage. Map of the distribution area is based on Shapiro (1961), Lopatin (1977), Medvedev & Ammosov (1978), Kostromitin (1980), Lopatin & Kulenova (1986), Dubeshko & Medvedev (1989), and Medvedev (1992). The pest is found in taiga but is absent in sub-arctic territories. The zones of pest damage were mapped using Dobrovol'skii (1951), Palii (1961), Samedov (1963), Putele (1970), Shutak (1973), Kopaneva (1982), and Dubeshko & Medvedev (1989). Borders of the zone of low damage were adapted to match economically significant areas of crucifer vegetable crops and rape in republics of Central Asia and Southern Kazakhstan. The zone of moderate damage includes the European part of the former USSR, Central and Southern Ural, Western and Eastern Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan and the Primorskii Territory.Sources of data:
Dobrovol'skii, B.V. 1951. Harmful beetles. Rostov-na-Donu: Rostizdat. 455 p. (in Russian).Dolzhenko, V.I., ed. 2004. Methodical instructions on registration tests of insecticides, acaricides, molluscicides, and rodenticides in agriculture. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 363 p. (in Russian).
Dubeshko, L.N. & Medvedev, L.N. 1989. Ecology of leaf beetles from Siberia and the Far East. Irkutsk: Irkutsk University. 224 p. (in Russian).
Kopaneva, L.M., ed. 1982. Keys to harmful and useful insects and mites on the vegetable plants and potato in the USSR. Leningrad: Kolos. 272 p. (in Russian).
Kostromitin, V.B. 1980. Cabbage flea beetle. Moscow: Kolos. 63 p. (in Russian).
Lopatin, I.K. & Kulenova, K.Z. 1986. Leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Nauka. 199 p. (in Russian).
Lopatin, I.K. 1977. Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) from Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. Leningrad: Nauka. 289 p. (in Russian).
Medvedev, L.N. & Ammosov, Yu.N. 1978. Fauna of leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and its cardinal zoogeographical peculiarities. Ecofaunistical investigations of insect from Yakutia. Yakutsk: Izd. Yakutskogo filiala SO AN SSSR. P. 113-128. (in Russian).
Medvedev, L.N. 1992. Family Chrysomelidae Ц leaf beetles // In: Keys to insects of the Far East of the USSR. V. 3. Coleoptera, or beetles. Part 2. St.Petersburg: Nauka. 704 p. (in Russian).
Palii, V.F. 1961. Fauna of the pest flea beetles of the USSR. Frunze: AN Kirgiz.SSR. 101 p. (in Russian).
Putele, V. 1970. Fauna of the flea beetles from Latvian SSR. In: Materials of 7th Baltic meeting on plant protection (part 2). Pests of agricultural and forest plants and their control. Elgava: Latvian Ministry of Agriculture, p. 17-20. (in Russian).
Samedov, N.G. 1963. Fauna and biology of the beetles injuring agricultural plants in Azerbaijan. Baku: AN Azerb.SSR. 384 p. (in Russian).
Shapiro, D.S. 1961. Fauna of flea beetles of the genus Phyllotreta Stephens from the European part of the USSR (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, subfam. Halticinae). In: Questions of genetics and zoology. Kharkov: Khar'kov GU. P. 82-107. (in Russian).
Shutak, V.I. 1973. Numerous pests of flea beetles from the Bashkiria and South of Cis-Ural. In: Science for production (collection of works). Voronezh: Minsel'khoz, p. 85-88. (in Russian).