The distribution area of Altai onion (Allium altaicum) .

The expert botanist - Chukhina I.G.The GIS-expert - Suzanskaja E.I.
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of a map:
Map was created using maps of scale 1:12,000,000-30,000,000 and specified using herbarium specimens.The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
The vector map consists of 1 base layer and 2 thematic layers. The area of the species is represented by polygons and points.Accuracy of the qualifier:
Points show specific sites at which the species was found according to herbarium data and published references. Polygons showing the general distribution of the species were derived using generalized information from published references and herbariums.Mapping procedure:
The map was created using a database of coordinates of sites at which the species was found, INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM "Wild-growing relatives of cultural plants of Russia" (NTC "Informregistr" № 0229905883), and the published maps of N.N. Kachura (1987) in "Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East"; V.V. Busik (1979) in "Flora of the Central Siberia"; and N.V. Frizen (1987, 1988).Sources of data:
Database of coordinates of a site of the species, included INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM " Wild-growing relatives of cultural plants of Russia " (NTC "Informregistr" № 0229905883).Friesen N.V. 1988. The Onions of Siberia (systematization, caryology, horology). Novosibirsk: Nauka, P. 93.
Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A., eds. 1979. Flora of the Central Siberia. Vol. 1. Novosibirsk: Nauka, P. 481.
Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A., eds. 1987. Flora of Siberia. Araceae - Orchidaceae. Vol. 4. Novosibirsk: Nauka, P. 178.
Materials of herbariums of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, VIR, BPI DVO the Russian Academy of Science (Vladivostok), Tomsk State University, Botanical institute of the name of Komarov (BIN), the Altay National park (settlement Yaylyu), the Altay State university, the Moscow State university.