The area of Cerasus microcarpa C. A. Mey) Boiss. - Cherry microcarpous

The expert-botanist - T.N. Smekalova, the GIS-expert - R.S.Ushakova.Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of a map:
Map is based on maps having the following scale: 1:20 000 - 1:80 000 000, on data from herbarium specimans.The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic content:
Map is a vector fail consisting of points. Locations of species are represented by points, area of possible distribution of species are represented by polygon.Accuracy of the qualifier:
Lidht-colored points are locations referenced in literature sources. Dark-colored points are locations of species that were reported from herbarium samples. Polygon is based on generalized information from literature sources, herbarium specimans, political boundaries and ecological description.Method of map construction:
The basic part of species area is in territory of Asia Minor. Within the limits of the former USSR the species is distributed in Caucasus and in Middle Asia. The area consists of two ranges - Caucasian and Middlel Asian and separate points. The Caucasian range includes sites of species within the limits of the central and southeast part of Caucasus, the Central Asian range is dated to southwest Kopet-Dag. Southern borders of both ranges coincide with frontier of the former USSR. The points which were not including in borders of contours of ranges, represent individual sites of species distribution outside of the basic borders of an area. As a material for construction of an area the data of herbaria (BIN, VIR, GBS) and the published map of species area (Grossheim, 1952, Sokolov, at all, 1980) were used.Sources of the data:
Cherepanov, S.K. 1995. Plantae Vasculares Rossicae et Civitatum Collimitanearum (in limicis USSR olim). St-Petersburg, "Mir I Semia", 990 p. (in Russian).Flora of North-Est European part of USSR,
Herbarium Specimans - N.I. Vavilov All Russian Institute of Plant Industry (St.-Petersburg), the Komarov Botanical institute St.-Petersburg), Herbarium of the Main Botanic Garden (Moscow).
Grossgeim, A.A. 1952. Flora of the Caucasus, vol. 5. Moscow/Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 424 p. (in Russian).
Sokolov, S.I., Svjaseva, O.A., Kubli, V.A. 1980. Areas of distribution of trees and shrubs in the USSR. vol.2. Leningrad: Nauka, map 94G, p.112 (in Russian).
Right and copyright:
Copyright on this map and description belongs to its authors.Copyright on this image belong to Ushakova R.S.