Areal of Dactylis glomerata L.

V.G.FuntovaData of creation:
1:20 000 000.Exactness of the map:
The map created with using maps, that had scale 1:50 000 000, 1:30 000 000, 1:10 000 000, 1:5 000 000Projection:
Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic content:
Map is vectorial. Locations of species present by points, area of possible distribution of species present by polygon.Exactness of classifier:
Light points are locations of species that were fixed by literature. Dark points - locations of species that were fixed by herbarium.Method of map constraction:
Point areal includes locations of species from edition: Flora of Caucasia, (1939), Poaceae Ukraina (1977), Flora of Central Siberia (1979), Flora of Siberia (1990), Plant Vasculare of Soviet Far Earst (Harkevich, 1991), Hulten, Eric and Magnus Fries (1986); locations of specimens from Herbarium of V.L.Komarov Botanic Insitute; locations of samples were collected by VIR expeditions. Polygon areals were made using data about distribution of species in floristic regions from: Poaceae USSR (1976), Flora of Kazakhstan (1956), Flora of Kirghizia (1950) and polygon areal of Hulten, Eric and Magnus Fries (1986).Final legend of map is bicolor. Dark points - locations of species that were fixed by herbarium. Light points are locations of species that were fixed by literature. Polygon is result integration of polygon maps with accurate definition of west borders by state border of Russia; east border by data of Flora of Siberia (1990), Flora of Central Siberia (1979); south border by data Poaceae USSR (1976), Hulten, Eric and Magnus Fries (1986), Flora of Kazakhstan (1956), Flora of Kirghizia (1950), by point data of herbarium and expeditions, border of Russia; north border by point data of herbarium and expeditions, Flora of Siberia (1990), data Hulten, Eric and Magnus Fries (1986). Several points didn.t include to polygon areal as it could be invasion. Areal map was made taking into account ecology data from .Descriptions..
Source of data:
Conspect of Middle Asia Flora. 1968. Kovalevskaja S.S. (ed.). vol.1. Taschkent: Publishing House Acad. Sci. Uzbekistan SSR, 226 pp. (in Russian)Flora of Kirghizia. 1950. vol.2. Shishkin B.K. (ed.). Frunze: Publishing House Acad. Sci. Kirghizia SSR, 315 pp. (in Russian)
Flora of Central Siberia. 1979. Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A. (ed.). vol.1. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 536 pp. (in Russian)
Flora of Kazakhstan. 1956. Pavlov N.V. (ed.). Alma-Ata: Publishing House Acad. Sci. Kazakhstan SSR, 354 pp. (in Russian)
Flora of Siberia. Poaceae (Graminea). 1990. Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A. (ed.). vol.2. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 361 pp. (in Russian)
Grossgheim, A.A. 1939. Flora of Caucasia vol.1. Baku, 402 pp. (in Russian)
Hulten, Eric and Magnus Fries. 1986. Atlas of north European vascular plants north of the Tropic of Cancer.
Plant Vasculare of Soviet Far Earst. 1991. Harkevich S.S. (ed.). vol.5. Saint Petersburg: Nauka, 390 p. (in Russian)
Poaceae Ukraina. 1977. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 518 pp. (in Russian)
Tzvelev, N.N. 1976. Poaceae USSR. L.: Nauka, 788 pp. (in Russian).
Data of VIR.expeditions
V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute