Range of distribution of Gmelin.s Couch, Gmelin.s Wild Rye (Elymus gmelinii) .

The expert-botanist and the GIS expert - L.L.Malyshev.Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of the map:
The map is based on data of 1:12 000 000-1:40 000 000 scale maps.Projection:
"Albers Equal-Area Conic Projection for USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
The map is a vector file consisting of 1 basic and 3 subject layers. The species range is represented by a polygon and dots.Accuracy of the qualifier:
The dots represent information on the species localities according to herbarium materials of LE (1) and published sources (2), the polygon - generalized information on the species distribution.Method of the map contruction:
The range map is based on coordinates according to herbarium materials of V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute (LE), the database of the species localities coordinates included in the Information Retrieval System "Crop Wild Relatives in Russia" (STC Informregistr 0229905883, 1999), and published maps (Kharkevich, 1985; Malyshev, Peshkova, 1990). Two areas can be distinguished within the species range: mountain massifs of the southern Siberia (Altai, Sayans, Cisbaikal mountains), and steppe and forest-steppe areas of the Amur and the Ussuri regions. In Central Asia, the species has very restricted distribution in mountains of Dzungarian Ala Tau. Its range in Kamchatka covers the Kamchatka River valley up to Sredniy Range, in Sakhalin it takes western slopes of Western Sakhalin Mountains.References:
Kharkevich SS., ed. 1985. Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. V.1. Leningrad: Nauka. 398 p. (In Russian).Malyshev LI., Peshkova GA., ed. 1990. Flora of Siberia. V.4. Poaceae (Gramineae). Novosibirsk: Nauka. 361 p. (In Russian).
Rights and copyrights:
The copyrights of the map and descriptions are held by their author.The copyright of the photo is held by N.Yu.Malysheva, L.L.Malyshev.