
Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvel. - Mammoth wild rye

Taxonomical position.

Family Poaceae Benth. Sort Agropyron Gaertn.

Morphology and biology.

Perennial plant. Stems grow up to 50-150 cm tall, thick, with dense, short, rigid pubescence under a spike and under nodes. Leaves are flat, 4-15 mm wide. Spikes are dense, 10-35 cm long and 17-35 mm wide, with strongly dwarfed hair axis. Spikelets are arranged in groups of 4-6 in the bottom and middle part of the spike and in groups of 3 in the top of the spike. Spikelet scales are 16-30 mm long with undistinguished lateral veins; the bottom floral scales are 8-14 mm long, covered with long hairs in the bottom part. Plant blossoms in May-August. Anemophilous. 2n=28 (56).


Occurs throughout the lower part of the Volga region, Southern Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Northern Mongolia.


Plant grows in sands and sandy soils.

Use and economic value.


Reference citations:

Busik, V.V. 1979. Flora of the Central Siberia. Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A., editors. Vol. 1. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 431 p. (In Russian)
Grossgeim A.A. 1939. Flora of the Caucasus. Vol. 2. Polypodiaceae-Gramineae. Baku: Publishing house AzFaN, 587 p.
Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A. 1990. Flora of Siberia. Vol. 2. Poaceae (Gramineae). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 361 p.
Shelyak-Sosonko, Y.P., ed. 1977. Grasses of Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 518 pp.
Tzvelev N.N. 1976. Grasses of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 788 pp. (In Russian)

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