
Medicago glandulosa David. - Glandulous medic.

Taxonomic position.

Family Leguminosae Endl., genus Medicago L., subgenus Falcago (Reichb.) Grossh.


Medicago falcata L. var. glandulosa Mert. Et Koch.

Biology and morphology.

Perennial herb. Root system is well-developed and depends upon environmental conditions (tap-rooted, rhizomatous and creeping-root forms of the plant exist). Stems are numerous, ascending or procumbent, 30-60 cm tall, covered by simple and numerous glandular hairs. Leaflets are linear-cuneate, glabrous or with sparse pubescence on the upper side, densely pubescent (sometimes glandular) on the lower side. Racemes are dense and on short peduncles. Calyx is covered by simple and numerous glandular hairs. Calyx teeth are equal to the tube in length or longer. Flowers are yellow, 7-10 mm in length with broad, oval standard. Pods straight or slightly curved, covered by simple and numerous glandular hairs. Blossoms in July-August. Seeds ripen in September-October. Cross-pollinated. 2n=16.


Occurs throughout the southern part of Crimea and the north of the Caucasian Black Sea Coast.


The species prefers dry meadows and dry mountain slopes.

Utilization and economic value.

Has potential for sprigging of dry meadows and slopes with truncated soils. Characterized by high drought resistance. Can by used in breeding programs as a component in crosses with cultivated species like Medicago sativa L. and Medicago varia Mart.


Goncharov P.L., Lubenetc P.A. 1985. Biological Aspects of Alfalfa Cultivating. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 253 pp. (in Russian).
Grossheim A.A. 1952. Genus Medicago. Flora of the Caucasus. Vol. 5. M.-L.: Academy of Science of the USSR, p. 177-192. (in Russian).
Grossheim A.A. 1945. Genus Medicago. Flora of the USSR. Vol. 11. M.-L.: USSR, p. 129-176. (in Russian).
Ivanov A.I. 1980. Alfalfa. M.: Kolos, 349 pp.
Phyodorov A.A., ed. 1987. Flora of the European part of the USSR. Vol. 6. 254 pp. (in Russian).
Sinskaya E.N. 1950. Alfalfa. Flora of cultivated plants of the USSR. Vol. 13. M.-L.: Issue 1. p. 1-344. (in Russian).
Vasil.chenko I.T. 1949. Alfalfa as the best fodder crop. L.: Academy of Science of the USSR, Ser. 1. Issue 8. 248 pp.

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