
Papaver bracteatum Lindl. - Bracteate Poppy.

Taxonomic position.

Family Papaveraceae Juss., genus Papaver L.

Main synonyms.

Papaver orientale var. bracteatum Ledeb.; Calomecon bracteatum Spach

Morphology and biology.

Stem 60-120 cm tall, thick, heavy, covered with hairs, the latter adpressed in upper part, patent in lower part of the stem. Leaves very large, up to 45 cm long, pinnatisected, with distant large, oblong-lanceolate segments, margins of the latters raised up. Cauline leaves numerous, arranged throughout stem length. Pedicel thick, adpressedly pubescent. 2 large, usually unequal leaf-like pinnatisected bracts are located under the very flower; below there are 3-5 oval coriaceous sepal-like bracts with entire margins, usually densely pubescent with short setaceous hairs, with rigid scarious, cristately dissected border at margin. Sepals 3-4 cm long, rather sparsely pubescent with short adpressed hairs. Corolla very large with 4-6 petals. Petals up to 10 cm long, blood-red, broadly attenuate into unguis, with large elongate black spot at base. Capsule large, obovoid, with flat disc and 15-18 rays and elongate acute teeth. Flowers in May - June, fruits in June - July.


General distribution: Europe - Caucasus. Former USSR: European part, Caucasus (Ciscaucasia - endemic).


On clayey slopes and plains.

Use and economic value.



Galushko AI. 1980. Flora of the North Caucasus: Handbook. V.2. P.167. (In Russian).
Grossheim AA. 1950. Flora of Caucasus. 2nd ed. V.4. P.405; map 101. (In Russian).
Shishkin BK., ed. 1937. Flora URSS. V.7. P.617-618. (In Russian).
Cherepanov SK. 1995. Vascular plants of Russia and adjacent states (the former USSR). St.Petersburg. 990 p. (In Russian).

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