Area of peat bluegrass (Poa turfosa) .

Expert on object - L.L.MalyshevGIS-expert - L.L.Malyshev.
Date of creation:
1:20000000.Accuracy of a map:
It is created on materials of maps of scale 1:2000000-1:11250000.Projection:
"Equal of Albers to the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0The basic contents:
Vector map from 1 base and 3 thematic layers. The area of a species is presented by range and points.Accuracy of the qualifier:
Points present the information on sites of a species according to herbarium LE (1) and references (2), by range - the generalized information on distribution of a species.Technique of drawing up of a map:
For a basis of a map of an area the coordinates received according to herbarium LE and published maps from monographies " Cereals of Ukraine " (1977), " Flora of Siberia " (1990) have been taken.The area of a species in territory of the former USSR covers a wood zone of the European part and a subzone of coniferous-small-leaved woods of Western Siberia. A number of authors considers Poa turfosa as synonym Poa pratensis L. (Tzvelev, 1976; Tolmachyov, 1964, 1974).
Sources of data:
Cereals of Ukraine. - Kiev: "Naukova Dumka", 1977. - 518 p.Flora of Siberia. V.2. Poaceae (Gramineae.) - Novosibirsk: "Nauka", 1990. - 361 p.
The rights and copyrights:
All the rights to a map and descriptions belong to its author.Photos - © Dzjubenko E.A.