Sorbus commixta Hedl. - Japanese Rowan.
Taxonomic position.
Family Rosaceae Juss. genus Sorbus L.Morphology and biology.
Deciduous tree 4-8(10) m tall. Bark of trunks and branches dark grey with numerous longitudinal lenticels. Young shoots glabrous, red-brown. Leaves imparipinnate of 9-13 leaflets. Leaflets lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, deeply biserrate at margin, glabrous, glutinous, paler beneath. Inflorescence a corymb 5-10 cm diameter. Flowers pentamerous, about 10 mm diameter. Petals white, orbicular. Stamens as long as petals. Styles 2-4. Fruits globose, bright red.Entomophilous. Ornitho- and zoochore. Propagates by seeds and summer cuttings. Flowers in June, mature fruits in August - early September. 2n=34.
Russian Far East (Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands - Shikotan, Kunashir, Iturup, Urup), Japan.Ecology.
Mesophyte. Shade-resistant. Occurs in coniferous, mixed and Erman's birch forests, in forest openings, glades, on steep stony slopes. Grows well on felled areas and old fire sites.Use and economic value.
Food, ornamental.References:
Komarov VL., Zinserling YuD. 1939. Rowan, Whitebeam - Sorbus L. In: Komarov VL., Yuzepchuk SV., eds. Flora URSS. V.9. Moscow; Leningrad. P.382-383. (In Russian).Koropachinskiy IYu., Vstovskaya TN. 2002. Woody plants of the Asian part of Russia. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Science, Branch "Geo". P.378-379. (In Russian).
Sokolov SI., Svjaseva OA., Kubli VA. 1980. Ranges of trees and shrubs of the USSR. V.2. Leningrad: Nauka. P.63. (In Russian).