Trifolium retusum L. - Blunt-leaved Clover.
Taxonomic position.
Family Fabaceae Lindl., genus Trifolium L.Synonyms.
Trifolium parviflorum Ehrh., T.strictum auct. non L., Amoria retusa (L.) DostalMorphology and biology.
Annual herbaceous plant. Stems 5-30 cm tall, glabrous, branched from the base. Stipules subulate in free part. Leaflets oblong-obovate. Inflorescences globose heads 0.8 mm diameter, 1-1.5 cm long, rather loose, on thick peduncles, axillary. Corollas pinkish or white, calyx 10-veined, unevenly pubescent. Calyx teeth subulate acuminate. Pod sessile, ovoid, 2-seeded. Flowers in May, fruits in June. Autogamous plant. 2n=16.Distribution.
Moldova, Black Sea area, the Lower Don area, Crimea, Caucasus.Ecology.
Dry meadows, exposed steppe slopes, pastures.Use and economic value.
May be used as pasture plant on insufficient lands.References:
Galushko AI. 1980. Flora of the North Caucasus: Handbook. V.2. 352 p. (In Russian).Grossheim AA. 1952. Flora of Caucasus. 2nd ed. V.5. P.194-221. (In Russian).
Bobrov EG. 1945. Clover - Trifolium L. In: Shishkin BK., ed. Flora URSS. V.11. P.189-261. (In Russian).
Bobrov EG. 1987. Clover - Trifolium L. In: Fedorov AA., Tzvelev NN., eds. Flora of the European part of the USSR. V.6. P.195-208. (In Russian).
Meusel H. et al. 1965. Vergleichende Chorologie der Zentraleuropischen Flora. Jena. 583 p.