The area of subterranean clover, subclover (Trifolium subterraneum) .

The experts - Dzyubenko N. I., E. A. Dzyubenko.The GIS-Expert - Dzyubenko A. N.
Date of creation:
1:20.000.000.Exactness of map:
Map was created using maps that had the following scale 1:25.000.000-1:40.000.000.The projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for Russia", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Map is a vector file consisting of polygons and points. Points represent locations of species, area of possible distribution of species are represented by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Point data were obtained from literature sources and herbarium specimens from the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry and the Komorov Institute of Botany. Polygons are based on literature sources, herbarium samples, political boundaries and ecological descriptions.Method of map production:
Published literature was reviewed, including Atlases, monographs and papers. Occurrence data were obtained from herbarium specimens, floras, monographs and papers. Distribution areas were determined according herbarium specimens and Grossheim (1952). Data were then compiled through scanning and geo-referencing to develop a composite vector map. The biologist together with the GIS specialist, drew a new plant distribution area based on compiled dataReference citations:
Grossheim, A.A. 1952. Flora of the Caucasus. Genus Trifolium. Moscow-Leningrad: AN USSR. V.5: 194-221. (In Russian)V.L. Komorov Botanical Institute [LE], Saint Petersburg, Russia.
N.I. Vavilov All Russian Institute of Plant Industry [WIR], Saint Petersburg, Russia.