Area of distribution and weediness of Convolvulus arvensis L.

Object specialist I.N. Nadtochii,GIS-specialist I.A. Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on information taken from open-published literature and on maps of natural scale 1: 80 000 000 and larger.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of species distribution is shown by polygons, and sporadic distribution by points. Zones of weediness are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
The weed area is subdivided into two zones, one representing species distribution, and the second where the weed is considered a serious pest. Points represent locations where sporadic occurrence has been reported. The zone of weediness was determined according to criteria of occurrence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance, where the occurrence of this species exceeded 50% and with its field abundance being more than 5-8 plants per sq. m. (Tanskii et al., 1998).Method of map production:
Published literature was reviewed, including Atlases, monographs and papers. Occurrence data were obtained from herbarium specimens, floras, monographs and papers. The map by Hulten & Fries (1986) was used as a prototype. The northwest border was determined according to Volkov (1935). The northern area was enlarged according to the work of Tolmachev (1977) and the herbarium of Moscow State University. Points of sporadic distribution within this area were determined according to Hulten & Fries (1986) and the following literature data on the harmfulness of the weed in Siberia: Nikitin (1983), Zakharenko (2004). The southern border was adjusted along the border of the zone of deserts. Central Asia is included in the main area based on the following sources: Hulten & Fries (1986), Koroljeva et al. (2003), Dzhanguzov & Loi (1975), Galimova (1975), Begimkulov (1990), Abdullaev (1975). In the Far East Volkov's area (1935) was expanded to the border of arable lands (Primorskii and Khabarovsk Territories, Amur Region) because of the following records on the weed danger in the Far East: Kazakevich (1935), Ul.yanova (1990), Korovina (1983, 1981), Chepelev (1977). Places of sporadic distribution were determined according to the following sources: Hulten & Fries (1986), Tolmachev (1977), Kharkevich (1989), Moscow State University, Malysheva & Peshkova (1979), Ramenskaya (1960), Tolmachev (1962), Ul.yanova (1980). The zone of weediness was determined according to literature data. Criterion of its allocation is the indication of the weed in the literature as the main weed plant in the zone of mixed and deciduous forests (Eastern part of the area, Transcarpathia and Carpathian Mountains), forest-steppe and northern and southern steppes, Crimea, the Caucasus, Eastern Siberia (taiga, steppe in the extreme south), Central Asia (Nikitin, 1983); a frequently met weed, main species in the Non-Chernozem zone according to Shlyakova (1989) and Spiridonov (2004); having big abundance in Byelorussia according to Kozlovskaya & Simonovich (1966); the most widespread species in the Ukraine according to Skorokhod (1951) and Mel'nichuk (1972); littering crops in the Chelyabinsk Region (Kazakevich, 1935), littering more than 80% of fields (Galimova, 1975) and having and abundance of 3-4 points in the Toshkent Region (Begimkulov, 1990); as a malicious weed having 30% occurrence and abundance of 4 points in Uzbekistan according to Abdullaev (1975) and Belolipov et al. (1990); the main weed having an abundance of 2-4 points in Turkmenistan (Mal'kov, 1936); having an occurrence of 89.6% in southeast Kazakhstan (Zharokova, 1981); noxious in agricultural zone of Kyrgyzstan (Sukhin, 1983); the most noxious species (Orlov, 1962), having 87% occurrence (Bagmet & Sokolova, 2003) in the Saratov Region; as a malicious weed in Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories (Ul.yanova, 1990); as the main weed in Bashkiria (Dmitriev, 1937); as the most noxious weed in Siberia (Zakharenko, 2004); a weed in soya, grain, vegetable, fodder crops in Primorskii, Khabarovsk Territores (Korovina, 1983, 1981); a weed in the Amur Region (Chepelev, 1977); as a malicious weed in the Far East (Ul.yanova, 1990). The zone of weediness was drawn with the use of the map of arable lands (Koroljeva et al., 2003).Data were compiled through scanning and geo-referencing to develop a composite vector map. The biologist, together with the GIS specialist, drew a composite weed distribution area based on compiled data.
Reference citations:
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