Area of distribution and harmfulness of Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop

Object specialist N.N. Luneva, GIS-specialist I.A. BudrevskayaDate of creation:
1:20.000.000.Accuracy of map:
It is created on information taken from the open-published literature.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygons (basic distribution). Zone of harmfulness is shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
The weed area is presented, being the zone of harmfulness at the same time.Procedure of map drawing:
Area and zones of harmfulness are outlined on the blank map by results of the analysis of cartographic materials published in the open literature. A map from Hulten & Fries (1986) containing presumable area is used as a basis for a map of Digitaria sanguinalis. The data have been checked according with work maps from "Flora of the European part of the USSR" (1974), "Flora of the USSR" (1934), Grossgeim (1934) and from the below-mentioned sources. The northern and western boundaries of area are outlined according with Maevskii (1954) and "Keys to Byelorussian plants" (1967). The weed area in Middle Asia is outlined according to "Flora of Kazakhstan" (1956), work map of Digitaria sanguinalis ("Flora of the USSR", 1934), and a map of agricultural lands; it is confirmed by herbarial data, corresponding to Hulten & Fries (1986). Patches of sporadic distribution are taken from herbarial and literature data (Maevskii, 1954; Bakin et al., 2000; "Flora of the Leningrad Region", 1955; Eesti taimede maaraja; 1996). Borders of zones of harmfulness are given after V.V. Nikitin (1983).Sources of the data:
Bakin O.V., Rogova T.V., Sitnikova A.P. 2000. Vascular plants of Tatarstan. Kazan, Kazan University, P. 1-496 (in Russian).Fedorov An.A. (Ed.). 1974. Flora of the European part of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. V.1. p. 181 (in Russian).
Flora of the Leningrad Region. V.1. Izdatel.stvo Leningradskogo Universiteta, 1955. 288 pp. (in Russian).
Galushko A.I. 1978. Flora of the Northern Caucasus. Rostov: Izdatel.stvo Rostovskogo Universiteta, 318 p. (in Russian).
Geideman T.S. 1954. Keys to plants of Moldavian SSR. Moscow, Leningrad, p. 396 (in Russian).
Grigor.evskaya A.Ya. 2000. Flora of Voronezh. Izdatel.stvo Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. 198 p. (in Russian).
Grossgeim A.A. 1939. Flora of the Caucasus. V.1. Baku: AzFAN, p. 127 (in Russian).
Hulten E., Fries M. 1986. Atlas of North European Vascular Plants, North of the Tropic of Cancer: Koenigstein, V. 1-3: 1172 p.
Komarov V.L. (Ed.). 1934. Flora of the USSR. Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR. V.2. p. 576 (in Russian).
Kruusmaa L. (Ed.). 1996. Eesti taimede maaraja. Tallinn:Valgus. p. 995.
Maevskii P.F. 1954. Flora of middle belt of the European part of the USSR. Moscow, Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel.stvo Sel.skokhozyaistvennoi Literatury, 912 p. (in Russian).
Nikitin V.V. 1983. Weed plants of the USSR flora. Leningrad: Nauka, 454 P. (in Russian).
Pavlov N.V. (Ed.). Flora of the Kazakhstan. V.1. Alma-Ata: AN KazSSR, p.129 (in Russian).
Prokudin Yu.N. (Ed.). 1987. Keys to vascular plants of Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 547 p. (in Russian).
Rubtsov N.I. (Ed.). 1972. Keys to vascular plants of the Crimea. Leningrad: Nauka, 550 p. (in Russian).
Shishkin B.K. (Ed.). 1956. Flora of Kyrgyz SSR. V. 2. Frunze: Kirfan, 1950. p. 32 (in Russian).
Shishkin B.K. (Ed.). 1967. Keys to plants of Byelorussia. Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola. 872 p. (in Russian).
Tikhomirov V.N. (Ed.). 1986. Keys to plants of Meshchery. V. 1. Moscow: Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi universitet (in Russian).
Tikhomirov V.N. (Ed.). 1986. Keys to vascular plants of the Yaroslavl Region. Yaroslavl.: Verkhnevolzhskoe knizhnoe izdatel.stvo, 182 p. (in Russian).