Area of distribution and weediness of Meadow Horse-tail (Equisetum pratense Ehrh.).

Object specialist A.Yu. Doronina,GIS-specialist I.A. Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on materials of maps of natural scale 1:15 000 000-1:100 000 000 and on information taken from open-published literature.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of species distribution is shown by polygons and sporadic distribution by points. Zones of weediness are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
The weed area is subdivided into two zones, one representing species distribution, and the second where weed is considered a serious pest. Points represent locations where sporadic occurrence has been reported. The zone of weediness was allocated within the area according to criteria of occurrence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance (Tanskii et al., 1998), i.e., where the occurrence of this species exceeded 50% with its field abundance (projective cover).Method of map production:
Published literature was reviewed, including Atlases, monographs and papers. Occurrence data were obtained from herbarium specimens, floras, monographs and papers. The map of Hulten & Fries (1986) was used as a prototype, supplemented with maps of species distribution from the following sources: Grossgeim (1939), Poyarkova (1953), Tolmachev (1976), Kharkevich (1987). The northern, southern, western and eastern boundaries of the area were outlined according to Hulten & Fries (1986) and amplified according to the following sources: Komarov (1936) (northern, southern, western and eastern boundaries), Tolmachev (1974), Kharkevich (1987) (southern and eastern boundaries), Poyarkova (1953), Tolmachev (1976) (northern boundary), Grossgeim (1939), Shishkin (1952), Pavlov (1956) (southern boundary), Bordzilovs.kii (1938) (southern and eastern boundaries), Shishkin (1949), Geideman (1975) (western boundary). The sporadic distribution was determined according to the following sources: Hulten & Fries (1986), Grossgeim (1939), Poyarkova (1953), Tolmachev (1976), Kharkevich (1987). The zone of weediness was determined according to Nikitin (1983), Ul.anova (1998), Keller (1934) and specified according to data on abundance, frequency of occurrence or weediness of the weed, taken from the below-mentioned references (except manuals and floras). Data were then compiled through scanning and geo-referencing to develop a composite vector map. The biologist, together with the GIS specialist, drew a composite weed distribution area based on compiled data.Reference citations:
Bordzilovs.kii, E.I., ed. 1938. Flora of the URSR. V. 1. Part 2. Kiev: AN URSR. 200 p. (In Ukrainian)Geideman T.S., ed. 1975. Keys to higher plants of Moldavia. Kishinev: Shtiintsa. 576 p. (In Russian)
Grossgeim, A.A. 1939. Flora of the Caucasus. V. 1. Baku: AzFAN. 402 p. (In Russian)
Hulten E., Fries M. 1986. Atlas of North European Vascular Plants, North of the Tropic of Cancer. Konigstein. V. 1-3: 1172.
Jonsell, B., ed. 2000. Flora Nordica. V. 1. Lycopodiaceae-Polygonaceae. Stockholm: BTJ AB. 344 p.
Keller, B.A., ed. 1934. Weed plants of the USSR. V. 1. Leningrad: AN SSSR. 324 p. (In Russian)
Kharkhevich S.S., ed. 1987. Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. V. 2. Leningrad: Nauka. 446 p. (In Russian)
Komarov, V.L., ed. 1934. Flora of the USSR. V. 1. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR. 302 p. (In Russian)
Nikitin V.V. 1983. Weed plants of USSR flora. Leningrad: Nauka. 454 p. (In Russian)
Pavlov, N.V., ed. 1956. Flora of Kazakhstan. V. 1. Alma-Ata: AN Kaz. SSR. 754 p. (In Russian)
Poyarkova, A.I., ed. 1953. Flora of the Murmansk Region. V. 1. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR. 250 p. (In Russian)
Ramenskii L.G., Tsatsenkin I.A., Chizhikov O.N., Antipin N.A. 1956. Ecological evaluation of the fodder lands by vegetation cover. Moscow: Selkhozgiz. 472 p. (In Russian)
Shishkin, B.K., ed. 1949. Flora of BSSR. V. 1. Moscow: Sel.khozgiz. 432 p. (In Russian)
Shishkin, B.K., ed. 1952. Flora of Kirgiz SSR. V. 1. Frunze: Kirgizfan. 103 p. (In Russian)
Tanskii V.I., Levitin M.M., Ishkova T.I., Kondratenko V.I. 1998. Phytosanitary diagnostics in integrated management of cereals. In: Novozhilov K.V., ed. Compendium of methodical recommendations in plant protection. St. Petersburg: VIZR. 5-55 p. (In Russian)
Tolmachev A.I., ed. 1974. Keys to higher plants of Sakhalin and Kurile islands. Leningrad: Nauka. 372 p. (In Russian)
Tolmachev, A.I., ed. 1976. Flora of North-East of the European part of the USSR. V. 1. Leningrad: Nauka. 250 p. (In Russian)
Ulyanova T.N. 1998. Weeds in the flora of Russia and other CIS states. St. Petersburg: VIR. 344 p. (In Russian)
Right and copyright:
All rights reserved. Copyright 2005 © A.Yu. Doronina & I.A. Budrevskaya (vector map, description).Pictures: Oleg Korsun, Zabaikalski Pedagogical University http://www.nature.chita.ru/Plants/Ferns/index.htm