Area of distribution and weediness of Rod Spurge (Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit.)

Specialist-biologist - O.E. Kravchenko,GIS-specialist - I.A. Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000Accuracy of map:
Map was created based on materials of map of natural scale 1:4 000 000-1:55 000 000 and on literature data.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of species distribution is shown by polygons, and sporadic distribution by points. Zones of weediness are shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
The weed area is subdivided into two zones, one representing species distribution, and the second where weed is considered a serious pest. Points represent locations where sporadic occurrence has been reported. Within the weed area the zones of its weediness were established according to the expert estimation of Vasilchenko & Pidotti (1975).Method of map production:
The species map from Volkov (1935) was used as a prototype. The map was supplemented with data from the following sources: Grossgeim (1962), Kharkevich (1991), Peshkova (1996), Tolmachev (1976), N.I. Vavilov Institute, Petrosyan et al., (2003). Specifications were determined according to the references from the list below. In the territory of the former USSR the species is distributed in southern and middle areas of the European part and Western Siberia, and in Ciscaucasia. It is also sporadically settled in Eastern Siberia, Central Asia, and in the Far East. The area of weediness was allocated on arable lands within areas of irrigated agriculture of the European part and Ciscaucasia based on the data of Vasilchenko & Pidotti (1975). In this region the plant is a malicious agricultural weed. In other parts of the area the plant frequently litters crops but is not abundant, at the most 2 points according to Maltsev's scale as described by Shlyakova (1982) and Nikitin (1983).Reference citations:
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