Area of distribution and weediness of Galium aparine L.

Object specialist A.Yu. Doronina,GIS-specialist I.A. Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
It is created on materials of maps of natural scale 1:15 000 000-1:100 000 000 and on information taken from the open-published literature.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygons (main distribution) and by dots (sporadic distribution). Zone of weediness is shown by polygons.Accuracy of the classifier:
Zone of weediness is allocated within the area by criteria of occurrence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance (Tanskii et al., 1998), i.e., where the occurrence of this species exceeded 50% with its field abundance (projective cover) being 4-5 points.Procedure of map drawing:
The map is made by results of the analysis of the open-published cartographical materials and literature. The map of E. Hulten & M. Fries (1986) has been taken as a prototype, supplemented by maps of distribution from A.N. Volkov (1935), A.I. Poyarkova (1966), A.I. Tolmachev (1977), S.S. Kharkevich (1991). The northern, southern, western and eastern boundaries of area are outlined according with E. Hulten & M. Fries (1986) and amplified according to V.L. Komarov (1958) (northern, southern, western and eastern boundaries), A.I. Poyarkova (1966), E.V. Dorogostaiskaya (1972) and A.V. Polozhii & G.A. Peshkova (1996) (northern boundary), S.S. Kharkevich (1991) (southern and eastern boundaries), М.I. Kotov (1961) (southern and western boundaries), A.I. Vvedenskii (1961; 1962), N.V. Pavlov (1965) (southern boundary), B.K. Shishkin (1955), Т.S. Geideman (1975) (western boundary). The sporadic distribution is given according with E. Hulten & M. Fries (1986), A.I. Poyarkova (1966), A.I. Tolmachev (1977), S.S. Kharkevich (1991). The zone of weediness is determined after V.V. Nikitin (1983), T.N. Ul.anova (1998), G.A. Chesalin (1975), I.T. Vasilchenko & M.G. Pidotti (1975), M.G. Agaev (1988), N.P. Kosolap & S.N. Kosolap (2000), O.E. Kravchenko (2000), Yu.Ya. Spiridonov et al. (2000), Yu.Ya. Spiridonov & N.V. Shegurova (2000), G.I. Bazdyrev et al. (2004), K.S. Artokhin (2004) and specified according to data on abundance, frequency of occurrence or weediness of the weed, taken from the below-mentioned references (except "Manuals" and "Floras").Sources of the data:
Agaev, M.G., ed. 1988. Main agricultural weeds in crops of the Leningrad region. In: Catalogue of VIR world collection. N 468. Leningrad: VIR. 112 p. (in Russian)Artokhin, K.S. 2004. Atlas of weed plants. Rostov-na-Donu. 144 p. (in Russian).
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Dorogostaiskaya, E.V. 1972. Weed plants of the Far North of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 172 p. (in Russian).
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Right and copyright:
All rights reserved.Copyright 2005 © A.Yu. Doronina & I.A. Budrevskaya (vector map, description),
N.N.Luneva (photo)