Area of distribution and weediness of Plantago major L.

Object specialist I.N. NadtochiiGIS-specialist I.A. Budrevskaya
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using information from state publications and maps of natural scale 1:17,000,000-1:80,000,000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map. Main distribution area is shown by a polygon, while sporadic distribution is shown by points. Zone of weediness is shown by a polygon.Accuracy of classifier:
Distribution of the species is divided into zones of main distribution, moderate weediness, and sporadic distribution. Zone of weediness was allocated according to criteria of occurrence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance (expressed as projective cover of this species in the field) (Tanskii et al., 1998), i.e., where the occurrence of this species exceeds 50% with an abundance (projective cover) of more than 15%.Mapping procedure:
Distribution area and zone of weediness was mapped following an analysis of references and public cartographic materials. Maps by Chikov (1983) and Hulten & Fries (1986) were used as prototypes for compilation of the main distribution area. Sporadic distribution was mapped using Hulten & Fries (1986), Chikov (1983) and Dorogostaiskaya (1972). The zone of weediness was mapped using published data. Further research indicates that the weed is the most widespread weed in Latvia (Gurskii, 1956); a pernicious weed among some crops in the Non-Chernozen Zone (Shlyakova, 1979); the most widespread weed in the Moscow Region (Populovskaya, 1936); a main weed in the Nizhnii Novgorod Region (Tikhonova, 1937); a weed displaying low abundance but high occurrence in crops in Byelorussia (Kozlovskaya & Simonovich, 1966; Sammersov et al., 2000); a main weed in the Rostov Region (Grin.ko, 1987) and the Stavropol. Territory (Kolpikova, 1967); a weed with weediness levels reaching 80% in Crimea (Vasil.ev, 1929); a weed of mixed and deciduous forests in Transcarpathia and the Carpathians (Nikitin, 1983); one of the main weeds of tomato plantations in Dagestan (Pankova, 2000); the main weed in Western Georgia (Gaidamakin et al., 1936); a weed of crops in Buryatia (Filatov, 1983); a weed in the agricultural area of Kyrgyzstan (Sukhin et al., 1983); the most malicious weed, displaying a weediness level of 3 points, in Uzbekistan (Belolipov et al.,1990); a weed of wheat, rice, lucerne, and cotton in Tajikistan (Vasil.chenko, 1955); a weed displaying an abundance of 2 points in Azerbaijan (Doronina, 1978; Magomedi, 1982); a weed in crops of the Omsk Region (Plotnikov, 1949); and a main weed in experimental fields at the Kurgan Agricultural Institute (Kushnirenko, 1949).Sources of data:
Belolipov, I.V., Abdullaev, A., Sheraliev, A. 1990. Revealing the specific structure of weed vegetation and types of contamination of cotton in farms of Karakalpak ASSR. In: Weed plants of Uzbekistan and their control. Tashkent: Tashkent SKHI. S. 4-14 (In Russian)Chikov, P.S., ed. 1983. Atlas of areas and resources of herbs of the USSR. Moscow: VNIILR, BIN, LGU, TGU. 340 p. (In Russian)
Dorogostaiskaya, E.V. 1972. Weed plants of the Far North of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 172 p. (In Russian)
Doronina, Yu.A. 1978. Weed plants of dry subtropical areas of Azerbaijan. In: Brezhnev, D.D., ed. Byulleten. VIR. Leningrad: VIR. P. 82-86 (In Russian)
Filatov, A.M. 1983. Weed plants of Buryatia and their control. Irkutsk: Irkutsk SKHI. 62 p. (In Russian)
Gaidamakin, V.I., Makashvilli, A.K, Yabrova, V.S., Yaroshenko, P.D. 1936. Weed plants of wet subtropics of the USSR and their control. N 31, Sukhumi: VNIICHKH. 136p. (In Russian)
Grin.ko, N.I., Titov, A.Kh., Kvartin, V.N., Semernikova, A.I., Lapchenkov, G.Ya., Dyatlenko, V.A. 1987. Weed plants and its control in the Rostov Region. Manual. Persianovka: Donskoi SKHI, 102 p. (In Russian)
Gurskii, V.E. 1956. Distribution of weeds on crop fields in Latvia. In: Ozols, A.M., ed. Sbornik trudov po zashchite rastenii. Riga: Latviiskoi. P. 233-238 (In Russian)
Hulten, E. & Fries, M. 1986. Atlas of North European Vascular Plants, North of the Tropic of Cancer: Konigstein. V. 1-3. 1172 p.
Kolpikova, A.D. 1967. To the study of weed flora in zone of irregular wetting of the Stavropol Territory. In: Goryainov, V.M., ed. Proc. Stavropol SKHI, Stavropol.. V. 22: 165-179. (In Russian)
Kozlovskaya, N.V. & Simonovich, L.G. 1966. Features of weed distribution on turfy-podzol soils of Polesye region. In: Yurkevich, I.D., ed. Geobotanical research. Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika: 56-64. (In Russian)
Kushnirenko, V.P. 1949. Useful and harmful wild plants of training experimental farm of Kurgan Agricultural Institute. In: Zharkov, P.N., Kvitko, V.E., Lopatin, M.I., Malyshev, N.M., Mel.nikov, S.V., Sumanov, E.YA., eds. Proc. Kurgan SKhI, Iss. 1. Kurgan: Krasnyi kurgan: 191-240. (In Russian)
Magomedi, B.R. 1982. Weeds of grain agrocenoses in foothills of the Lesser Caucasus (within Azerbaijan). In: Aliev, D.A. Izvestiya AN SSSR. Baku: ELM. P. 135-141. (In Russian)
Nikitin, V.V. 1983. Weeds in the flora of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 454 p. (In Russian)
Pankova, V.I. 2000. Harming ability of weeds on tomato culture in conditions of Dagestan. In: Phytosanitary situation on fields of agricultural crops in the south of Russia and ecological systems of plant protection. Krasnodar: Krasnodar SKHI. P. 38-39. (In Russian)
Plotnikov, A.N. 1949. Weeds of Tara and Sedel.nikovo Districts of Omsk Region. In: Bashkirov, S.V., ed. Proc. Omsk SKHI. V. 21. Omsk: Omsk SKHI. P. 117-123. (In Russian)
Populovskaya, N.M. 1936. Weediness of crops of collective farms Mytishchino district of the Moscow Region. In: Bogoslovskii, A.S., Kulaev, S.I., eds. Proceedings of Bolshevskaya biological station. Bolshevo: Bolshevskaya biological station, p. 109-115. (In Russian)
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Shlyakova, E.V. 1979. Weed plants of the Nonchernozem zone. In: Brezhnev, D.D., ed. Byulleten. VIR (Leningrad: VIR) 88: 64-69. (In Russian)
Sukhin, V.S., Moiseeva, T.M., Vasyuta, Z.R. 1983. Weed vegetation of Kyrgyzstan. Frunze: Kirghiz Agricultural Institute. 81 p. (In Russian)
Tanskii, V.I., Levitin, M.M., Ishkova, T.I. & Kondratenko, V.I. 1998. Phytosanitary diagnostics in integrated managemant of cereals. In: Novozhilov K.V., ed. Compendium of methodical recommendations in plant protection. Sankt-Petersburg: VIZR. p.5-55. (in Russian).
Tikhonova, Z.E. 1937. Weeds and their control. Gor`kii: Gor`kii Regional Publishing House: 90 (In Russian)
Vasil.ev, V. 1929. Weed plants of orchards in Crimea and their control. Visnik sadivnitstva, vinogradnitstva ta gorodnitstva (Kharkiv: Narkomzemsprav USSR) 3-4: 166-171 (In Russian)
Vasilchenko, I.T., ed. 1955. Weed plants of Tajikistan. V.2. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR, 321 p. (in Russian).
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All rights reserved.Copyright 2004© I.N. Nadtochii & I.A. Budrevskaya.
N.N. Luneva is the author of image (VIZR).