Area of distribution and weediness of Ptarmica vulgaris Blakw.ex DC

Object specialist - N.N.Luneva,GIS-specialist - I.A.Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of the map:
It is created on materials of maps of natural scale 1: 10 000 000 and on literature data.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygon (main distribution) and by dots (sporadic distribution).Accuracy of the classifier:
Area of main and sporadic distribution is shown.Method of map production:
The area of distribution is established according to the analysis of the open published maps and literature. A map compiled by Hulten E. & Fries M. (1986) is taken as a prototype. The authors include in the species concept several subspecies distributed from the western borders of the former USSR to the Far East. According to Cherepanov K.S. (1975), Russian botanists consider subspecies ptarmica to be a species Ptarmica vulgaris; so we have used the map of subsp. ptarmica distribution (Hulten & Fries, 1986) as a prototype. The Sneezewort distribution in the European part of the former USSR is supported by references (Keller, 1934; Taliev, 1935; Maevskii, 1954; Tolmachev, 1962, 1977; Shishkin, 1963, 1965; Minyaev, 1981; Shlyakova, 1982a, 1982b; Ul.yanova, 1998; Bakin et al., 2000; Tsvelev, 2000; Glazkova, 2001; Gubanov et al., 2004; Shmidt, 2005). The area of main distribution is expanded eastward after literature data (Tolmachev; 1977; Shmidt, 2005). All records of the Sneezewort from other regions (the Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East) we consider belonging to broad concept of the species including other species as subspecies of the Sneezewort (Achillea cartilaginea (Led.) Boiss., Ptarmica ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Galushko, et al.). Places of P. vulgaris sporadic distribution are indicated after Hulten & Fries, 1986. The zone of weediness is not allocated as the weed grows mainly in fields of perennial grasses and winter cereals with 2 points of abundance.Reference citations:
Bakin, O.V., Rogova, T.V., Sitnikova, A.P. 2000. Vascular plants of Tatarstan. Kazan: Kazan University. 496 p. (in Russian).Glazkova, E.A. Vascular flora of the islands of the eastern Gulf of Finland: structure and analysis. St.-Petersburg, 2001. 348 p. (in Russian).
Gubanov, I.A., Kiseleva, K.V., Novikov, V.S., Tikhomirov, V.N. 2004. Illustrated keys to plants of Middle Russia. V. 3, Moscow: KMK, 520 p. (in Russian).
Hulten, E. & Fries, M. 1986. Atlas of North European Vascular Plants, North of the Tropic of Cancer: Konigstein. V. 1-3. 1172 p.
Keller, B.A., ed. 1934. Weed plants of the USSR. V. 3. Leningrad: AN SSSR. 448 p. (in Russian).
Maevskii, P.F. 1954. Flora of middle belt of the European part of the USSR. Moscow & Leningrad: Selkhozgiz. 912 p. (in Russian).
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Shishkin, B.K., ed. 1963. Botanical atlas. Moscow & Leningrad: Selkhozgiz, 504 p. (in Russian).
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Taliev, V.I. 1935. Keys to higher plants of the European part of the USSSR. Moscow: State Publishing House of Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz Literature, 648 p. (in Russian).
Tolmachev, A.I. ed. 1977. Flora of North-East of the European part of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. V. 4. 312 p. (in Russian).
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