Area of distribution and weediness of Sigesbeckia orientalis L.

Object specialist I.N. Nadtochii,GIS-specialist I.A. Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of map:
It is created on information taken from the open-published literature and on maps of natural scale 1:24 000 000 - 1:5 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0Basic contents:
Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygon (main distribution) and by dots (sporadic distribution).Accuracy of the classifier:
Area of the species is divided into the main distribution, weediness, and sporadic distribution areas. Zone of weediness is allocated by criteria of occurrence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance (Tanskii et al., 1998), i.e., where the occurrence of this species exceeded 50% with its field abundance (projective cover) being more than 15%.Procedure of map drawing:
Area and zone of weediness are outlined on the blank map by results of the analysis of references and cartographic materials published in the open literature. The S. orientalis area map is compiled on the basis of the weed distribution map (Kharkevich, 1992), reference data on the species distribution in floristic regions (Komarov, 1959; Galushko, 1980; Koryagin, 1961; Pavlov, 1966), compiled map of the weed distribution in administrative districts (green line) (Voroshilov, 1966; Il.ina, 1935; Nikitina, 1979; Tolmachev, 1966; Vvedenskii, 1965). In the Caucasus the area is allocated after Galushko (1980), being corrected along borders of arable lands, because there are data on occurrence of the weed in all regions of irrigated agriculture of the Caucasus (Vasil.chenko & Pidotti, 1975); in Middle Asia the area is allocated along borders of arable lands according with reference data, i.e., in Uzbekistan (Vvedenskii, 1962), Kazakhstan (Pavlov, 1966), Kirghizia (Vvedenskii, 1965; Nikitina, 1979), Syr Darya, Zeravshan, and southern Tajik districts (Vasil.chenko & Pidotti, 1975), and with Herbarium of the Moscow State University; in the Far East the area is allocated according with map of the weed compiled after literature data (green line), Kharkevich (1992), Herbaria of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Industry and Moscow State University, and map of arable lands. Sporadic distribution of the species is given after Dobrochaev et al. (1987), Zernov (2002), Vul.f (1969), Herbaria of the All-Russian Institute of Plant Industry and Moscow State University. The zone of weediness is not allocated, as the criteria mentioned in literature do not correspond to those mentioned above in Accuracy of the classifier; e.g., the plant is not a weed, but being presented in crops (Il.ina, 1935); it is a ruderal plant being rarely met in crops (Nikitin, 1983).Sources of the data:
Dobrochaev, D.N., Kotov, M.I., Prokudin, Yu.N., eds. 1987. Keys to higher plants of Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 547 p. (in Russian).Galushko, A.I. 1980. Flora of the Northern Caucasus. V. 4. Rostov-na-Donu: Rostov Univ. 352 p. (in Russian).
Herbarium of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow.
Herbarium of the Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Industry, St.Petersburg.
Il.ina, A. 1935. Materials for studying weed vegetation on tobacco plantations of Abkhazia. In: Collection of works on agricultural technics and chemicalization. Krasnodar: VNII Tobacco industries. Vol. 20(2): 139-157 (in Russian).
Karyagin, I.I., ed. 1961. Flora of Azerbaijan. Baku: AN Azerbaijan SSR. V. 3. 690 p. (in Russian).
Kharkevich, S.S., ed. 1992. Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka. V. 6. 428 p. (in Russian).
Komarov, V.L., ed. 1959. Flora of the USSR. V. 25, Moscow & Leningrad: AN SSSR. 631 p. (in Russian).
Nikitina, E.V., ed. 1979. Keys to plants of agricultural zone of Kyrgyzstan. Frunze: Ilim. 490 p. (in Russian).
Pavlov, N.V., ed. 1965. Flora of Kazakhstan. V. 8. Alma-Ata: AN Kaz. SSR: 497 p. (in Russian).
Tanskii, V.I., Levitin, M.M., Ishkova, T.I. & Kondratenko, V.I. 1998. Phytosanitary diagnostics in integrated management of cereals. In: Novozhilov, K.V., ed. Compendium of methodical recommendations in plant protection. St. Petersburg: VIZR, p. 5-55. (in Russian).
Tolmachev, A.I., ed. 1966. Keys to plants of Primorskii Territory and Amur Region. Moscow & Leningrad: Nauka, 492 p. (in Russian).
Vasilchenko, I.T. & Pidotti, O.A. 1975. Keys to weed plants of areas of irrigated agriculture. Leningrad: Kolos. 375 p. (in Russian).
Voroshilov, V.N. 1966. Flora of the Soviet Far East (the synopsis with the tables for species identification). Moscow: Nauka, 478 p. (in Russian).
Vul.f, E.V. 1969. Flora of Crimea. V. 3(3). Yalta: AN SSSR, Nikitskii Botanical Garden. 397 p. (in Russian).
Vvedenskii, A.I. ed. 1962. Flora of Uzbekistan. V. 6. Tashkent: AN UzbekSSR. 632 p. (in Russian).
Vvedenskii, A.I. ed. 1965. Flora of Kirghiz SSR. V. 11. Frunze: Ylym. 611 p. (in Russian).
Zernov, A.S. 2002. Keys to vascular plants of the north of Russian Black Sea coast. Moscow: KMK, 284 p. (in Russian).