Area of distribution and weediness of Sisymbrium officinale L.

Biologist specialist - S.Yu.Larina,GIS-specialist - I.A.Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of the map:
It is created on materials of maps of natural scale 1:5 000 000 - 1:80 000 000.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygon (main distribution) and by dots (sporadic distribution). Zone of weediness is shown by polygon.Accuracy of the classifier:
Within the area of S. officinale, the zones of its weediness are shown, established by criteria of occurence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance (expressed as projective cover of this species in the field (in % to the field area)) (Tanskii et al., 1998), i.e.; where the occurence of this species exceeded 20% with its abundance (projective cover) more than 15%.Method of map production:
The areas of distribution and weediness of S. officinale are established according to the analysis of the open published maps and literature. The area of distribution is based on the map from the publication of E.Hulten & M.Fries (1986). Area of the distribution is extended further to the east according to V.L. Komarov & N.A. Bush (1939). The zones of weediness of S. officinale are established according to V.V. Nikitin (1983), being coordinated with the limits of arable lands. The sites of sporadic distribution of S. officinale within the European part of the Former Soviet Union are shown according to E.Hulten & M.Fries (1986) and A.I. Tolmachev (1976), in the Far East they are depicted after S.S. Kharkevich (1988). Sporadic distribution of this species in Siberia by L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peshkova (1994), supported by the data of V.L. Komarov & N.A. Bush (1939), as well as that in the Caucasus by A.A. Grossgeim (1950), supported by the data of A.I.Galushko (1980) are included in the main area.Reference citations:
Agaev M.G., ed. 1993. Useful weed plants in the flora of the USSR. In: Catalogue of VIR world collection. N 643. Saint-Petersburg: VIR. 160 p. (in Russian).Anonym. 1996-2003. Sisymbrium officinale. Plants for a future database: http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Sisymbrium+officinale
Galushko A.I. 1980. Flora of the Northern Caucasus. V.2. Rostov-na-Donu: Rostov Univ., 352 p. (in Russian).
Grossgeim A.A. 1950. Flora of the Caucasus. V.4. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR. 311 p. (in Russian).
Hulten E. & Fries M. 1986. Atlas of North European vascular plants, north of the Tropic of Cancer: Konigstein, V. 1-3: 1172 p.
Keller B.A., ed. 1934. Weed plants of the USSR. V.3. Leningrad: AN SSSR. 448 p. (in Russian).
Kharkevich S.S., ed. 1988. Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. V.3. Leningrad: Nauka. 421 p. (in Russian).
Komarov V.L. & Bush N.A., eds. 1939. Flora of the USSR. V.8. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR. 696 p. (in Russian).
Malyshev L.I. & Peshkova G.A., eds. 1994. Flora of Siberia. V.7. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 312 pp. (in Russian).
Nikitin V.V. 1983. Weed plants of the USSR flora. Leningrad: Nauka. 454 p. (in Russian).
Tanskii V.I., Levitin M.M., Ishkova T.I. & Kondratenko V.I. 1998. Phytosanitary diagnostics in integrated management of cereals. In: Novozhilov K.V., ed. Compendium of methodical recommendations in plant protection. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR. p.5-55. (in Russian).
Tolmachev A.I., ed. 1976. Flora of Northeast of the European part of the USSR. V.3. Leningrad: Nauka. 296 p. (in Russian).
Visyulina O.D., ed. 1970. Weeds of Ukraine (reference-identification guide). Kiev: Naukova Dumka. 508 p. (in Ukrainian).