Area of distribution and weediness of Sonchus asper (L.) Hill.

Object specialist - I.N.Nadtochii,GIS-specialist - I.A.Budrevskaya.
Date of creation:
1:20 000 000.Accuracy of the map:
It is created on materials of maps of natural scale 1:5 000 000 - 1: 80 000 000 and on literature data.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic content:
Vector map. Area of distribution is shown by polygon (main distribution) and by dots (sporadic distribution). Zone of weediness is shown by polygon.Accuracy of the classifier:
Within the weed area, the zones of its weediness are shown, established by criteria of occurrence (% of fields where this species is found) and abundance (expressed as projective cover of this species in the field (in % to the field area)) (Tanskii et al., 1998), i.e.; where the occurrence of this species exceeded 50% with its abundance (projective cover) more than 15%.Method of map production:
The zones of distribution and weediness are established according to the analysis of the open published maps and literature. A map compiled by Hulten E. & Fries M. (1986) is taken as a prototype. The area is shifted toward European Northeast after Tolmachev A.I. (1977); in Siberia it is shown after Hulten E. & Fries M. (1986), Krasnoborov I.M. (1997), Krylov P.N. (1949), Karavaev M.N. (1958), Popov M.G. (1959), Malyshev L.I. & Peshkova G.A. (1979), Anenkhonov O.A. (2001), being specified by the border of arable lands; the area is shifted eastward. Its distribution in the Caucasus is confirmed by Galushko A.I. (1980). The sites of sporadic distribution are depicted according to Hulten E. & Fries M. (1986), Tolmachev A.I. (1962, 1977), Krasnoborov I.M. (1997), Krylov P.N. (1949), Malyshev L.I. & Peshkova G.A. (1979), Kharkevich S.S. (1992). The zone of weediness is established according with map of arable lands. Criterion of its allocation is the indication of the weed in the literature as having abundance 3 score-points in winter and spring cereals in the Novgorod Region (Korovina O.N., 1982), and as being common garden weed and rear crop weed in other regions (Krylov, 1949; Popov, 1959; Mel.nichuk, 1972; Nikitin, 1983; Agaev, 1989).Reference citations:
Agaev M.G., ed. 1989. Field weed plants of cotton crops in the USSR (list and distribution). In: Catalogue of VIR world collection. Leningrad: VIR. 40 p. (in Russian).Anenkhonov, O.A., ed. 2001. Keys to plants of Buryatia. Ulan-Ude: Institute of general and experimental biology RAS, 672 p. (in Russian).
Galushko, A.I. 1980. Flora of the Northern Caucasus. V. 4. Rostov-na-Donu: Rostov Univ. 352 p. (in Russian).
Hulten, E. & Fries, M. 1986. Atlas of North European Vascular Plants, North of the Tropic of Cancer: Konigstein. V. 1-3. 1172 p.
Karavaev, M.N. 1958. Synopsis of Yakutian flora. Moscow & Leningrad: AN SSSR, 190 p. (in Russian).
Kharkevich, S.S., ed. 1992. Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka. V. 6. 428 p. (in Russian).
Korovina, O.N., ed. 1982. Weed plants of the Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia. In: Catalogue of VIR world collection. N 338. Leningrad: VIR, 117 p. (in Russian).
Krasnoborov, I.M. 1997. Flora of Siberia. V. 13. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 472 p. (in Russian).
Krylov, P.N., Shishkin, V.K., Sergievskaya, L.P., Shteinberg, E.I., Krasheninnikov, I.M. 1949. Flora of Western Siberia. V. 11. Tomsk: TGU, 3094 p. (in Russian).
Malyshev, L.I. & Peshkova, G.A., eds. 1979. Flora of Central Siberia. V. 2. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1048 p. (in Russian).
Melnichuk, O.S. & Kovalivska, G.M. 1972. Atlas of the most widespread weeds of the Ukraine. Kiev: Urozhai, 204 p. (in Ukrainian).
Nikitin, V.V. 1983. Weeds in the flora of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 454 p. (in Russian).
Popov, M.G. 1959. Flora of Middle Siberia. Vol. 2. Moscow & Leningrad: AN USSR, 920 p. (in Russian).
Tanskii, V.I., Levitin, M.M., Ishkova, T.I. & Kondratenko, V.I. 1998. Phytosanitary diagnostics in integrated management of cereals. In: Novozhilov K.V., ed. Compendium of methodical recommendations in plant protection. St. Petersburg: VIZR, p. 5-55 (in Russian).
Tolmachev, A.I., ed. 1962. Keys to vascular plants of Komi SSR. Moscow & Leningrad: AN SSSR, 360 p. (in Russian).
Tolmachev, A.I., ed. 1977. Flora of North-East of the European part of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka. V. 4. 312 p. (in Russian).