Area of distribution and weediness of Stachys palustris L.

Object specialist T.D. SokolovaGIS-specialist I.A. Budrevskaya
Date of creation:
1:20,000,000.Accuracy of map:
Map was created using maps of natural scale 1:5,000,000-1:80,000,000 and published data.Projection:
"Alber's Equal Area Conic" USSR, 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.Basic contents:
Vector map. Main distribution area is shown by polygons, while sporadic distribution is shown by points. Zone of weediness is shown by polygons.Accuracy of classifier:
Within the weed distribution area, zones of main and sporadic distribution and a zone of weediness are shown, where S. palustris is a pernicious weed.Mapping procedure:
Areas of main distribution, sporadic distribution and weediness were established following an analysis of published maps and literature. The distribution area of S. palustris is based on the map in Hulten & Fries (1986). The boundaries of the zone of weediness were established in accordance with Nikitin (1983) and Ulyanova (1998), were further specified in accordance with data on abundance and frequency of species occurrence taken from the below-mentioned references, and were adjusted in accordance with the boundaries of arable lands. According to Nikitin, S. palustris is a relatively resistant weed in all crops in the northern taiga zone and is sometimes quite abundant. Ulyanova included S. palustris in the list of main weeds of crops of the European former USSR. According to Ulyanova et al. (1992), S. palustris is a pernicious weed in the Novgorod and Vologda Regions characterized by 75-100% frequency of occurrence and 3-5 points of abundance.Sources of data:
Grossgeim, A.A. 1967. Flora of the Caucasus. V.7. Leningrad: Nauka, 896 p. (in Russian).Hulten, E. & Fries, M. 1986. Atlas of North European Vascular Plants, North of the Tropic of Cancer: Konigstein. V. 1-3. 1172 p.
Mal.tsev, A.I. 1939. Atlas of major species of weed plants of the USSR. V.2. Moscow & Leningrad: Selkhozgiz, 88 p. (in Russian).
Nikitin, V.V. 1983. Weed plants in the flora of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 454 p. (in Russian).
Rusinova, R.D. 1980. Weed control under soil-protective technology of cultivation of field crops in Altai. Recommendations. Novosibirsk: VASKHNIL, 28 p. (in Russian).
Shlyakova, E.V. 1982. Field-weed plants of the Non-Chernozem zone of RSFSR. In: Korovina, O.N., ed. Catalogue of VIR world collection. Issue 338. Leningrad:VIR, 117 p. (in Russian).
Tolmachev, A.I., ed. 1977. Flora of North-East of the European part of the USSR. V.4. Leningrad: Nauka, 312 p. (in Russian).
Ulyanova, T.N. 1981. Weed plants in wheat of the USSR. In: Korovina, O.N., ed. Catalogue of world collection of VIR, issue 320. Leningrad: VIR, 69 p. (in Russian).
Ulyanova, T.N. 1983. Weed plants of the Soviet Far East. In: Korovina, O.N., ed. Catalogue of VIR world collection. Issue 374. Leningrad:VIR, 48 p. (in Russian).
Ulyanova, T.N. 1998. Weed plants in the flora of Russia and other CIS states. St.-Petersburg: VIR, 344 p. (in Russian).
Ulyanova T.N., Kondratenko V.I., Ivanov I.A., & Mal'kova E.A. 1992. Weed plants of the Novgorod, Vologda and Arkhangelsk Regions. In: Erokhin, V.D., ed. Byulleten. VIR. Issue 229, p. 69-74 (in Russian).
Volkov, A.N., ed. 1935. Regions of distribution of the most important weed species in the USSR. Moscow & Leningrad: Izd-vo kolkhoznoi i sovkhoznoi literatury, 152 c. (in Russian).