Anthemis arvensis L. - Corn chamomile
Family Asteraceae Dumort., Genus Anthemis L.Biology type:
Spring or winter annualMorphology and biology:
Appressed downy, a little ash-grey plant. Stems, growing from one root, are numerous, branched, 15-30 (40) cm in length. Leaves are oblong, pinnate into narrow, linear-cuneate sharp segments. Flower stalks are elongated, incrassate, sepals of hispid involucre are ovate-oblong, outers are sharp, the rest are blunt , on the top with dry wide chaffy edges. Chaffs of oblong-conical receptacle are lanceolate, carinate, abruptly converted into firm mucro, which exceeds disk florets. Flower heads are 2-3 cm in diameter, ligules of pistillate ray-florets are elliptic, tube of disk florets is incrassate at the base. Achenes are a little tetrahedral, longitudinally grooved, glabrous, outers are plumpish, inners are with sharp short peristome on the top instead of undeveloped corona. It flowers in May-September, produces fruits in July-September. One plant produces 4500 achenes.Geographical range:
European part of Russia, Caucasus, Western and Eastern Sibiria, Far East (adventitious plant), Central Asia, Scandinavia, Mediterranean.Ecology:
This weed prefers dry places and relatively rich soil. Maximum depth of seed germination is 5-6 cm. Minimum temperature of seed germination is 2-3?C, maximum - 22-28?C.Economic value:
It infests grain and tilled crops. Control measures: Skim plowing, autumn plowing, pre-sowing tilling (harrowing, cultivation), timely sowing, interrow tillage in tilling crops, maintenance of crop rotation, herbicide treatment when necessary.Related references:
Chesalin G.A. 1975. Weeds and their control. Moscow, Kolos. 256 p.Fisyunov A.V. 1984. Reference book on weed control. Moscow, Kolos. 255 p.
Flora of the USSR. 1961. V.26. Ed.V.L.Komarov. Moscow-Leningrad, Ac.Sc.USSR. P.35-36.